25th October 2024  admin  Category :

Midigale, a Small Town with a Generous Heart

BY Ahmed S Warsame
Midigale, Somalia (Allsanaag)-Geographically located on fertile land, surrounded by lifeline valleys that provide essential water supplies to the city during the rainy seasons (with the exception of the arid months), the city is undergoing economic development and steady population growth.
The construction of an embankment dam built on the outskirts of Midigale is nearing its completion. It is expected to alleviate the city’s demand for drinking water, irrigation, and livestock. In the near future, the city planners are anticipating potential expansion of the city beyond its borders.
Since the commencement of Ceeldaahir-Ceerigaabo road project, the residents of Midigale have keenly opened up their hearts and city to the project.
In fact, the only high school in Midigale is currently occupied by the construction crew. Meanwhile, the students were safely moved to a makeshift school to continue their education. It’s a testimony of the hospitality and the kindness of this city, a city that has given so much to a cause that they believe in and are still willing to furnish if needed.
Although this isn’t the first time that they had contributed to the project, the community’s latest contribution is substantial.
On February 15, 2018, a large delegation consisting of dignitaries, elders, and community members from Habarshiro, Xingalool, Badhan, and Bosaso have converged in Midigale to witness the presentation of a sizable contribution to Ceeldaahir-Ceerigaabo road fund.
Nabadoon Abulqadir Mohamed Qoobey presented a check of $70,000 dollars collectively donated by the community to the project committee members who in turn thanked the community at large.
Nabadoon Qoobey, firmly stated that this contribution was the beginning of a potential array of more contributions from the community in the coming months. “We are determined to follow through our pledge of $200,000 dollars to the project, and until that goal is achieved we will not rest”, an adamant Nabadoon stated.   
Whether it was through financial support or other means of facilitating the project, other important cities in the region including Ceeldaahir, Rad, and Hadaaftimo have also stepped up to the plate and provided support to the project.
The ball is now squarely in the other cities courts, the choice remains theirs as to whether they follow suit Midigale and other cities or even better; surpass them and set a record of their own.
Finally, as of their customary, the city cordially organized a big feast and invited everyone present to partake and have a taste of the warmth of the city

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