21st December 2024 admin Category :
Ketanji Jackson oo noqotay haweenaydii ugu horraysay ee madaw ah oo ku biirtay maxkamadda sare ee Maraykanka.
Golaha Senate-ka ee Mareykanka ayaa haweenaydii ugu horraysay ee madaw ah u ansixiyey inay noqoto garsoore rasmiya oo ka tirsan maxkamadda sare ee dalka Maraykanka. Codbixin ka dhacday golaha Senate-ka oo ay goobjoog ka ahaayeen dhammaan 100-ka xubnood ee golahaasi ka kooban yahay, ayaa 53 Senator oo ka mid ahi waxay ogolaadeen ama ansixiyeen in Ketanji Brown Jackson ay noqoto garsoore ka tirsan maxkamadda sare, halka 47 Senator oo kalena ay ka soo horjeesteen.
In a historic move, the Senate has confirmed Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s nomination to the Supreme Court. Watch the moment Democrats gave a standing ovation while some GOP members walked out of the chamber. pic.twitter.com/gkUd2dHpL7
— CNN (@CNN) April 7, 2022
. Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Maraykanka Kamala Harris, oo ah gabadhii ugu horaysay ee Madow ee xilkaa qabata ayaa shirka Golaha aqalka sare gudoominaysay.
I can’t stop watching this six second video of Ketanji Brown Jackson moments after her history-making confirmation to the US Supreme Court pic.twitter.com/MYMjiCwJXQ
— Jarett Wieselman (@JarettSays) April 8, 2022