25th October 2024  admin  Category :

Beacon of Hope on the Horizon for Maakhir: Sanaag Sool and Bari Organization (SSB) Reinvigorating the Region:
There is excitement in the air these days in Maakhir, a feeling of great energy and enthusiasm is on display.
Sanaag Sool and Bari, which uses the acronym SSB, is an organization that is just a few months old and is taking the region by storm. Optimistic attitudes towards the organization are shared amongst citizens;
“Everywhere you go people are eager to know more about the organization-what it stands for and their leadership” said Ahmed Saleh, a recent high school graduate who lives in Bosaso and is hoping to enroll at Maakhir University.   
Since its formation, SSB has irrefutably inspired and motivated thousands of young people longing for strong leadership in a region where optimism and hope has long been forgotten, blinded by barriers such as chronic stagnation of political and social economic development. But finally, there may be a light at the end of the tunnel for this region. 
SSB is getting the attention of the community and it is quickly winning over the hearts and minds of Maakhir. The organization’s membership is growing much faster than they had expected, their ability to organize communities and deliver promises in a timely manner is unequaled. 
The core contributors of their speedy success lie somewhere between the organization’s charismatic leaders and their engaged and loyal members.  

Although SSB is relatively a new organization by name, it is in fact an offshoot of Maakhir Development Organization – often referred to as MDO. The two organizations amalgamated recently and subsequently adapted Sanaag Sool and Bari (SSB) as the organization’s new name.
The organization is led by a very intelligent, young resolute leader named Mohamed Ismail Jama (Qaarey). Equally appealing and well-seasoned military officer with a proven track record of success Colonel Abdulwahid Mohamud Hassan is on the helm of the organization’s defense and politics. Nicknamed Shekhal Kuli-a nickname only privy to his close circle of friends. The organization’s other important portfolios include orientation and finance departments.
Recently, Chairman Qaarey along with his second in command Colonel Abdulwahid gave an interview to Golaha 1960, a forum that is renowned for its analysis and focus on Somali current issues. The chairman outlined the primary goals of the organization in which he said was to promote political, and social economic development in Maakhir-land.  

Some major objectives of the organization’s platform outlined by the Chairman include:
(a)        To defend Maakhir region from all enemies. Top priority given to defeating and driving-out the terrorist groups from Al-Madow Mountains.
(b)        To convene national conference to unite the people of Maakhir attended by all stakeholders of the region to determine their economic and political future.
(c)         To lay down the framework for comprehensive economic development in the region.
(d)        To re-examine the imbalanced clan based power-sharing agreements of Puntland, signed in 1998. And if needed to renegotiate if it suits the interest of Maakhir.   
Furthermore, the chairman pointed out that SSB had accomplished tangible results upon its implementation in only a short period of time.  
SSB has dispatched volunteers to conduct orientations in different parts of the region.
Facilitated and incurred transportation and medical treatment expenses to the wounded soldiers who fought in Afurur with the help of the Somali Federal government.   
Provided immediate assistance to the families who lost their love ones in Afurur. It is important to note that many children were orphaned as a result of Afurur tragedy.
Spearheaded fruitful and productive closed-door meeting between members of SSB,Maakhir community elders, military officers and President Abdiweli Gaas held on August 23, 2017.
In addition, Colonel Abdulwahid reiterated the need for stronger and united Maakhir to withstand and confront the many enemies the region is facing. He acknowledged the difficulties and the challenges that lay ahead for the new organization, but said we’re firm in our determination to defeat and reclaim our land from the terrorists who are slaughtering our people in Al-Madow Mountains. 
Finally, SSB has changed the political landscape of Maakhir ever since it came into the political arena. But it remains to be seen whether SSB will sustain the intensity in which they’re moving ahead towards their goal, and continue to represent a force for positive change in the region, or whether they will simply fail to live up to the expectations and fade into the dark nights of Al-Madow Mountains as had so many others before them.
Ahmed Saeed Warsame,

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