26th July 2024  admin  Category :

Xagee Iska-Shabahaan, Madaxweynihii hore ee Dalka Ecuador ee Waashey Abdala Buccaram Iyo Madaxweyne Farmaajo

Muuqaalka hoose waxaad ka arki doontaan Meelaha ey iska Shabahaan Madaxweynihii u horeeyay ee Waasha Isagoo Xilka haya Amase la ogaadey inuu Waalan yahay, Abdala Buccaram

Adduunyada Casriga ah waxa aad u soo badanayay 50-Sano ee u danbeeyay Madax Xilal kala duwan qabtey balse gadaal laga ogaadey iney qabeen Xanuuno dhanka Maskaxda ah ee Waalida, Balse Madaxwyinihii hore ee Ecuador Abdala Bukaram, Isagu waa uu ka duwanaa oo waxaa la ogaadey inuu Waalan yahay Isagoo Xilka haya kadibna Maxkamada-sare ee Ecuador Iyo National Congress Of Ecuador ey Xilka ka Xayuubiyeen. Kolkaan dib u milcaano Sooyaalkii Abdala Bukaram, Waxa la doortey Agust 1996, Waxana Xilka laga qaadey 1997 February. Abdala Bucaram, waxa loogu magac darey ( “El Loco” (“the crazy one,” a nickname he himself championed[1])    

One thought on “Abdala Buccaram iyo Farmaajo

  1. raage

    Qorshaha Farmaajo Iyo HAG Ee Jubbaland Face-kiisa kowaad the new jubbaland policy. The somali government has a new strategy for jubbaland starting with Gedo. in janan laga dhigo laftagareen Today the gedo mayors drove from luuq to doolow and told the people of doolow that janaan is to be released soon, he has agreed with the government and other mayors in gedo and the governor to work together and to be on board with the new objective. janaan was the district commissioner of gedo and a minister for ahmed madoobe, janaan was the most powerful man in gedo. Now politics the following will be done,Janaan will be released and will meet with the mayors and governor of gedo in garbaharay. New elections will take place Garbahaareey. Ahmed madoobe and his ilk will be removed. Jubbaland will be aligned with the government. An army that is being trained in Eritrea and turkey will take over and push towards middle jubba. HAG Special Forces land in Gedo to aid Beesha Farmaajo. Here is Farmaajo planting the seeds of HAG into Gedo, as the Head of Special Forces led be The (HG) Commander General Farxaan Qaroole leading 3,000 Soldiers all Hiraabs has landed in Gedo to aid Beesha Farmaajo. So to summarise the agreement between the government and Gedo leaders. 1) economy and infrastructure. 2) politics (jubbaland elections). 3) fight against al shabaab. For the first point the following will be done. Paved roads all over gedo. Hospitals. Schools. Bridge rebuilding at luuq and baardheere. Dolow custom border will be established. The conditions For the road construction is that gedo must be 100 percent shabaab free. Especially in garbaharay as the road from luuq to dolow and dolow to beledxaawo is shabaab free. All district commissioners coming together and going from Degmada Luuq to Beledxaawo to Doolow has shown the populace their leadership is on the same page. Hopefully Janan has finally came to the dowlads viewpoint and will be at the frontlines formulating strategies. Propaganda at its best. Reer Diini are finding it hard to promote their dominance in Kismaayo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=53&v=CMJZDL876_A&feature=emb_title


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