17th October 2024  admin  Category :

Xasan Culusoow labo maamul ayuu u sameeyey beelaha Hawiye

Wasiirkii hore ee arrimaha gudaha Soomaaliya , Cabdiraxmaan Odowaa ayaa isaga oo ka hadlaya shirkii belaha Hawiye uga socday Muqdisho ku faanay inay isaga iyo madaxweyne Culusoow ay u dhiseen beeshooda labo maamul goboleed. Iyaga oo sidoo kalena soo waday maamulkii Banaadir , laakiinse deg dega beesha Hawiye ay ku waayeen oo Farmaajo doorteen

Maalintii uu Culusoow dhisayey maamulada ay maanta ku faanayeen



One thought on “Wasiir Odowaa

  1. raage

    War murtiyeedkii shirka mudulood @HarunMaruf mudulood oo isku raacay sad bursi iyo in la sameeyo maamul goboleedkii 3aad hawiye yeesho Ee Banadir State Mudullood want Banaadir State. It’s plainly obvious HAG wants sadbursi. I say it’s time to implement a confederacy if not outright balkanization. These people don’t want to share. Let them have their Banaadir state Galnus desert. These people were naked 100 years ago, you can’t expect anything especially not rule of law. They just want another state. If they get it then SSC should be a state too. It’s only fair. The problem started with the acceptance of the unconstitutional Galnus. You cant break rules with retarded people.If D-block has two regional states, Puntland and Jubaland, the H-block should have a two states solution as well, Banaadir and Central State. We can’t share a country with these people. Enough is enough.


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