22nd October 2024  admin  Category :

Hoos ka akhriso Dacwaddii Cabsi gelisay Muude Biixi ee loo diray Dawladda Swedan.

Hon Magnus Oscarsson

Member of Swedish Parliament (KD)

Sveriges Riksdag, 100 12 Stockholm

Dear Mr. Oscarsson:

We are deeply concerned and disappointed with the invitation facilitated by your party, the Christian Democrats (KD), for the de facto leader of the separatist enclave of Somaliland (Muse Biihi) to visit Sweden.

We believe his invitation to Sweden is ill-advised and stands contrary to the core principle values of democracy, freedom, human rights, social justice, and respect for all in which your country and party were built upon.

Muse Biihi should not be considered a reputable leader who deserves a statesman recognition by any civilized society. He has committed atrocities in many parts in northern Somalia and continues to perpetrate more atrocities hitherto.

He should be standing in front of a judge at a human rights court to answer crimes against humanity, not travelling freely in a democratic country.

The gruesome and horrific atrocities committed by Muse Biihi and his tribal militias in Xingalool, Damala Xagare, Kalshaale, Buhodle, Dila and Borama bear witness to the magnitude of his horrendous crimes.

Furthermore, the same militia group from his hometown of Gabiley who had committed the previous atrocities are now stationed on the outskirts of Yubbe, Sanaag, ready to unleash yet another horror on the civilian population. His butchery must be ended quickly to avert a looming humanitarian catastrophe in the region.

The scope and the seriousness of his crimes warrant an indictment at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague.

If needed, chronological events and testimonial witness statements pertaining to his crimes can be provided to you and to your party

The international community, including Sweden a country at the forefront of advancing human rights and justice for all, must not ignore the gross human rights violations committed by Muse Biihi and his henchmen.

We respectfully ask the government of Sweden to immediately cancel Mr. Biihi’s travel to Sweden. Similarly, we urge Mr.Oscarsson to withdraw his invitation and consider the gravity of the situation.


Abdulkadir Khalif

Chairman, Sanaag, Sool and Bari Organization (SSB) Email: ssb-org@outlook.com

Twitter: @SanaagSb

Cc: Embassy of Sweden, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Embassy of Sweden, Nairobi, Kenya

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