25th October 2024  admin  Category :

Odayaashii Warsangeli ee 1886 Ingiriisku, markuu heshiiska la saxiixanayey, wuxuu kula dhici waayey in uu yidhaadho qaata calankeyga oo ciidiina ka taaga (See the attachment).

Warsangeli-NO BRITISH Flag (1)

Waa nasiib xumo dadkii ka farcamay odayaashaa calanka Ingiriiska lugula dhici waayey in ay maanta harqad qabiil Hargeisa degani ay “calan” ka dhigteen intay soo qaataan, iney dhulkooda keenaan, iyagoo xitaa diyaar u ah in ay maradaa calalka ah u dhintaan. Waa aakhiru saban.

“…IT WAS NOT DEEMED advisable to press on the Warsnagli the acceptance of our flag…..” Consul Hunter, 1886

” …Ilama ahayn in wax lagu taliyo ay tahay  in Warsagenli lagu caddaadiyo in ay aqbalaan calanka Ingiriisiga[oo dhulkooda laga taago]….” Consul Hunter, 1886

Marka odayaasha Warsangeli xilligaa ay diideen CALANKA Ingiriisiga, isla markaana heshiiskooda gaarka looga dhigay, qabaa’ilka  Aadan Madoobe, Reer Dood, Sacad Yoonis, Muuse Carre, Cali Siciid iyo kuwa kale, CALANKA Ingiriiska ayaa farta laga saarayey oo ay sudhayeen ciidooda.  Halka hoose ka arag iyo lifaaqa(attachment) ka arag

Waa kuwan qoraalada kooban oo ku jira lifaaqan (attachment):

..Aden Madoba,  sub-tribe of the Habr Toljaala,….The British flag was given to the inhabitants, who at once hoisted it.

…Ankor was reached, the flag hoisted, and the Treaty signed by Rerdod tribe without hesitation.

At Shelloa, …. The flag was hoisted;

..at Maid, where the various sub-tribes of the Musa Array and Ali Said signed the Treaty and voluntarily hoisted the flag.

It was not thought worth while visiting the roadstead of Hashow, but an Elder of the Saad Yunus tribe, who was at Maid, signed the treaty and took charge of the flag.

We arrived at Bunder Gori, or, as the Somal call the port, Laskhoray, on the 27th, and the Gerad of the Warsangali being fortunately present, I was enabled to conclude a Treaty, placing the coast between Ras Galweni and the Mijjertain limits under British protection. This carried our protectorate as far as Bunder Ziadeh on the 49th parallel of longitude. IT WAS NOT DEEMED advisable to press on the Warsnagli the acceptance of our flag. They evidently consider their relations with us should resemble those held by the Mijjertain, and they asked to be made, like them, stipendiaries; also that the relatives of the Gerad should be permitted to wear ARMS in Aden, a privilege enjoyed by the family of Sultan Othman. I think that an annual stipend of 180 dollars(half the sum paid to the Mijjertain) might be allowed to the Warsangali Gerad. The arms question can be dealt with by the Resident.

Tan iyana waa la soo maray:

The Warsingali complained to me sadly of their decline in power 
since the English had interfered in their fights with 
the Habr Teljala, which took place near Aden about seven years ago,

and had deprived them of their vessels for creating a disturbance,
which interfered with the ordinary routine of traffic. They said 
that on that occasion they had not only beaten the Habr Teljala, 
but had seized one of their vessels; and that prior to this rupture they had enjoyed paramount superiority over all the tribes of 

the Somali but now that they were forbidden to transport soldiers 
or make reprisals on the sea, every tribe was on an equality with 


John Hanning Speke, 1854


” Warsangeli waxay tirsinayeen, iyagoo aad uga xun, sida awoodoodii  u wiiqatay  ilaa iyo markii Ingiiiisrku ay soo fara geliyeen dagaalkii iyaga iyo Habar Toljeclo, kaasoo todoba sano ka hore ka dhacay meel Cadan u dhaw, oo doonyahdooda lagula wareegay iyadoo laga dhigayo in ay qas abuureen, kaasoo dhexgashay isku socodkii caadiga ahaa.

Waxay yidhaadeen xilligaa Habar Jeclo kama guuleysan oo keliya laakiin waxay kaloo ka qabsadeen mid ka mid aheyd doonyohoodii; xagal ka daacan ka hor waxay ku dhex muxaashi jireen gacan sareyn aan cid tiigsataa jirin Soomaalida dhexdooda laakiin hadda waa loo diiday in ay ciidankooda badda ka talaabiyaan ama xitaa badda ka ugaadhsadaan kuwa aanada ka qaba, nasiib xumo qabiil walba waa lala simay”

John Speke, 1854

Xusuus: 1847 Warsangeli ciidamo ayey badda ka gudbin jireen iyagoo dadkii gardeysta kaga daba tegi jiray. Nasiib daro Maanta Hargeysey ciidan u yihiin?

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