16th March 2025  admin  

Waa maxay sababta Saraakiisha  ka soo jeeda Beesha Warsangeli tiro badan oo ka mid ah loogu dilayaa maamulka Puntland?. Sawirka sare waa Hal sarkaal oo ka soo jeeda beesha Majeerteen iyo inta ilaalo uu leeyahay Saraakiishii ugu danbeeyey  ee ka …

16th March 2025  admin  

North Korea Guam missile strike plan ‘ready by mid-August’…

16th March 2025  admin  

DUBAI: A White House national security adviser Tuesday defended US President Donald Trump’s silence on an explosion at a mosque in Minnesota, saying the blast could be a fake hate crime “propagated by the left.” When asked on MSNBC why …

16th March 2025  admin  

JEDDAH: A human smuggler, in charge of a boat, forced more than 120 Somali and Ethiopian migrants into the pitching sea on Wednesday as they approached the coast of Shabwa, a Yemeni governorate along the Arabian Sea, the Internation Organization …