16th March 2025 admin Category :
Sanaag , Sool, and Bari Organization: Congratulations on a successful conference:
By Ahmed S Warsame
SSB held its first annual fundraising event on Sunday, December 24, 2017, at the Safari Hall in Minneapolis, MN. More than 200 supporters and participants came together to mark the organization’s very first inaugural gathering in North America.
Well planned and skillfully executed by the organization’s most dedicated members in Minneapolis, it was a flawless and informative event topped with an enjoyable presentation. In the end, everything went off without a hitch.
Mr. Mohamed Ismail Jama (Qaarey), the organization’s chairman, briefly described the general purpose of the conference:
• to present the objectives and achievements of the organization to the community at large. • to broaden the scope and reach of SSB in order to solidify the unwavering support the community has already given to the organization,
• to accelerate the essential security and charitable work in progress in the region initiated by the organization.
• and to strengthen the unity of the maakhir community.
The chairman strongly condemned the recent futile attempts of some individuals from the community who had conspired and colluded with the enemy of Maahir, whether they were Al Shabab or SNM sympathizers, in the hopes of derailing and destroying the aspirations and desires of the people to manage their own affairs, will make no difference. He reassured everyone that such actions will not impede SSB from doing its job and certainly, the organization will still hold true to its guiding principles and core fundamental values of standing together with united Somalia and defending Maakhir-land from all enemies foreign and domestic. This represents the true nature of the organization.
He concluded his speech by saying that history will judge harshly those who have betrayed the trust of their own people.
And after a prolonged applause and enthusiastic acclamation from the attendees, the chairman conveyed his message of best wishes for a productive and successful conference. He then earnestly thanked everyone for their vital contribution and participation and proceeded to formally declare the conference open.
As the event progressed into a more relaxed atmosphere, participants and speakers alike mingled freely in an informal setting and exchanged views. Speaker after speaker on stage hammered home the organization’s message of hope, unity, development, and self-reliance in Maakhir-land.
But the conference’s best-kept secret culminating months of preparations reached its climax when colonel Abdulwahid Mohamud Hassan (Shekhal kuli), the head of the organization’s defense and policy, climbed on the podium. His eloquent and powerful keynote speech echoed the chairman’s opening remarks of SSB’s importance and the need for unity among Maakhir people.
The colonel brought everyone’s attention back to the three major principles on which the organization was founded:
(a) The moral duty to liberate and defend Maakhir-land from all enemies.
(b) To convene and a national conference to unite the people of Maakhir.
(c) And to support a comprehensive economic development in the region.
Other notable high ranking officers of the organization who were present at the event include Mrs. Leila Jama Korshel, and Mr. Mohamed A Jooge. Mrs. Amina Mohamud Dualleh, Mrs. Intisar Fatah, and Mr. Siciid Ibrahim Uurcad were unable to attend the conference due to prior commitments.
All in all, it was a successful night for SSB in accomplishing all the things they had set out to do. With participants feeling great and vowing to return the following year, the conference ended on a high note.
Finally, Special thanks are due to Mr. Abdirizaq Hassan Dhagey, the head of the organizing committee and his team; Mr. Abdirizak Bustayare, Ms. Asisa, Ms. Kalthum Ali, Ms. Kifaax and everyone else who volunteered to work for the conference and whom without their generosity and advice this would not have been possible.