14th March 2025  admin  Category :

Dawlada Somalia Dacweysay Saraakiil Ajaaniib ah ah Oo SNM Safar Tuugo ah Ku Gaysay Laascaanood,

Maamulka SSNM, oo dhawaan Deegaano kamid SSC, ka bilabaay isdiiwangalinta Golaha Deegaanka iyo Wakiilaha maamulkaas aya sameeyay arrin halis badan.

SNM, ayaa diiwangalintii ka socotay Sool, waxay dul keentay Xubno cadaan, ah oo ka kala socda Xafiisyadda Qaramada Midoobe iyo Midowga Yurub oo maamulkaasi ka caawiya arrimaha doorashada,

SNM, ayaa ujeedka ay u keentay xubnahan Saraakiisha ah ee ka socda Beesha caalamka sool, ayaa ahayd in ay tusan Sool in ay tahay SNM. oo dadku raali ka yahay waxaana xubnaha saraakiisha ah mid mid loo dultaagay goobaha diiwangalinta laascaanood oo la tusaayo in dadku somaliland yahay.

Hore Gobalada SSC. Dawlada Somaliya, waxay ugu sheegtay beesha caalamka ni ay tahay dhul lagu muran yahay oo SNM iyo puntland toona aysan ka talin sheegana karin dadka deegaankaasina hal maamul uusan kuwada socon..

Dawlada Fadaraalka ah ee Soomaaliya ,Ayaa Xafiisyadda Hay’adaha Qaramada Midoobe u gudbisay Dacwo ka dhan ah Xubno kamid ah Xafiisyada oo si khaldan uga hawl galay dhul ay dawladu ku sheegtay Meel lagu muran san yahay.

Dawada Soomaaliya, ayaa sidoo kale Saraakiisha sare Midowga yurub u gudbisay dacwo ka dhan ah Xubno kamid ah Midowga Yurub oo iyana qeyb ka ahaa safarkaas khiyaanada ah ee Sool lagu geeyay shaqaale kamid ah European Union,

Qeyb kamid ah Qoraalka Dawladu ka gudbay Xubnaha SNM geysay laascaanood ayaa lagu yidhi“Sool and Sanaag regions, which are independent of any particular policy, have no separate administration and no one is in control of the members who went to Sool. On Jan. 11, 2021, they sided with the Federal Government of Somalia’s plan. It also offended the people of the area who are not happy with the policies of the surrounding administrations and we ask the authorities that control the officials, especially the United Nations and the European Union to call the 6 members who went to Sool and ask them why. take a unilateral decision and ignore the Somali government’s plan ”

Qoraalka Dawlada Somalia u dirtay Labada Xafiis Un-ta iyo European Union oo Khaatumonews .com Turjuntay ayaa u qoran sidan”

Gobolada SOOl iyo Sanaag, Waa meelo ka caagan siyaasad gaar ah Majirto maamul gooni uga taliya mana jirto cid gaar ah oo gacanta ku haysa xubnaha tagay Sool, markay Taariikhdu ahayd Jan 11, 2021 waxay dhinac maren Qorshaha Dawlada dhexe ee soomaaliya, uga meelyaal dhulkaas, waxay kaloo meel uga dhecen Shacabka deegaankaasi oo aan raali ku ahayn siyaasadaha Maamulada Hareeraha ka xiga waxaanu ka codsana xafiisyadda xakameeya saraakiisha si gaar ah Labada Xafiis ee United Nations-iyo European Union in ay u yeedhan 6 xubnood ee tagay Sool waxna laga weydiiyo sababta ay u qaaten go aan hal dhinac una baal maren qorshaha dawlada somaliya”

Sidoo kale Dawlada Somaliya waxay Ku canaanatay Xafiiska European Union, in uu si dagdag ah saraakiisha lixda ah ee afar kamid ah ka socden European Union, ay ka keenan jawaab.

Xubnahan oo lix Sarkaal ka kooban Ayay somaliland, safar qarsoodi ah ku gaysay Gobolka sool, si ay uga dhaadhiciyan Beesha Caalamka in Gobolkaasi yahay Somaliland loona madax goosto ama loo afduubo rabitaanka bulshada SSC,

wararka laga sheegan yihiin kuwo Been abuur ah islamarkaana somalialdn loo soo maryo dhaqaalaha Un-ta iypo European Union

Wararka ayaa sheegaya in Labada Xafiis dawlada somaliya,usoo jawaaben islamarkaana u sheegen in Xubnaha Tagay Sool, ay ahaayen kuwo kor jooge ka ah qaab shaqada diiwaangalinta laakiin aysan u tagin arrimo siyasadeed,


  1. Jirac

    Don’t worry my people we all knew, but let me tell you one thing SSC people since GALYDH was killed we all knew what’s coming the truth is DHULBAHANTE land or SSC needs development desperately we all need that, but the problem is if SNM were given these aids from EU through UN development agency it’s not going to reach any way las’anod & surrounding areas “they’ll be given a little money to be HORGALE” that’s the truth. NO ONE CAN DARE 2021 to change my grand fathers history his blood it will never be wasted I guarantee you that even if SNM brings the worst born racist white men or women from England out there ain’t gonna happen and ain’t going to change anything even if they give their daughters like mike Braden and others in Nairobi to undermine every Somali leader or scary them to threw stains monitoring report and so on ain’t going to happen. UN development agency in Somalia is an NGO to feed blood money to a few so it’s not a big deal, but what’s a big deal is all these missteps are happening under FARMAJO. Isaaq tribe is doing everything they can even their warlord are harassing UN and gets what’s he wants why don’t we. I’m not encouraging violence but courteous the most born racists there’re people that know how to fight without firing a single shot. Farmajo when he’s was BAFALO NEW YORK I don’t want talk about it here but figured it out why he loves SNM so much I conclude ask First Lady nothing else.

  2. Jirac

    We need to bring Chinese and gave them a port to develop just like Djibouti too much interference had happened already from Europeans. We also need to kick out Deni and Faroole we now know they’ve been collaborating with Isaaq “so called marriages” it’s been too long we need complete change 360•c puntland is in danger SSCis in danger. Fuck UN.

  3. Jirac

    Wow I can’t believe James swan is prankster in chief I just read a report UN wants to go back Somaliland he’s a joke working with a warlord and from United States. Deni don’t know how to deal with wire dude’s he needs to get out why he wants to hold any way Faroole is the shadow president everybody knows it. Our people is been run over it’s time to bring Chinese army in puntland definitely


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