26th July 2024  admin  Category :

Hutuuga Sanca jooga oo Qarankoodii burburiyey  iyo magaalada  Muqdisho labaduba wax ma soo dhaafaan.

Qoraalka hoose, waa Kaalmaddii ugu danbaysay ee caalamku ugu deeqay Soomaaliya, Muqdisho soo dhaafi mayso, oo dhowaan ayaad maqli doontaa iyada oo xaafadaha Muqdisho loo qaybinayo

With funding from the Government of Japan, the UN’s Joint Rule of Law Programme provided comprehensive capacity development support to the Somali Police and the Ministry of Internal Security with the handover of essential equipment, vehicles, furniture and solar power for 24 police stations, amounting to $2.4 million, considerably enhancing Somali Police’s operational capacity and efficiency in responding to security threats in Banadir region and member states.
Read more about this development at: http://bit.ly/2rTntGa

#Police #Somalia #RuleOfLaw UNDP in Somalia
Japan – The Government of Japan

Sawirka United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia - UNSOM.
Sawirka United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia - UNSOM.


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