7th March 2025  admin  Category :

Gumeeystayaashii dalka Soomaaliya yimid ayaa ahaa kuwo si qoto dheer ugu kuurgalay qabiilada Soomaalida, iyagoona macluumaadka ay uririyaana u dirayey dawaldihii ay ka yimaadeen sida Ingiriiska iyo Talyaaniga.

Raga qorayey taariikhaha qabiilada Soomaalida ayaa ahaa kuwo waxa ay qorayeen si hoose u darsayey, mana aheen kuwo qoraalada ay qorayeen ahaa kuwo eex ay ku jirto oo cid gaar ah ay wax kaga raadsanayeen.

Hadaba, mid ka mid ah qoraayaashii wax ka qorayey qabiilada Soomaalida oo maray dhul badan ayaa ku sheegay in beelaha Warsangeli iyo Majeerteen ay si aan la cabiri karin uga sareeyeen kuwo beesha Isaaq ama Iidoorka oo iyagu ahaa kuwo aan wax saameeyn ah laheen waqtigaas.

Waxaa dhab ah in taariikhdu ay tahay sheey qaali ah, qof kastana ay tahay in uu garto maqaamka uu joogay waagii hore iyo maqaamka maanta uu joogo si uu isku cabiro. Hadii hoos u dhac uu ku yimid tayada dadkaas, waxaa habboon in ay is weeydiiyaan sababta kalliftay hoos u dhacaas.

3 thoughts on “Majeerteen iyo Warsangeli Weey ka Sareeyeen Kuwa Iidoor

  1. Muqtar Ahmed

    This is the facts and we believe that because majeerteen and warsangeli history goes back to 1000 year ago busnines and even beyond

  2. Mohamed

    It is difficult for me to boast of the superiority and subjugation of Muslims like the Darod and Isaaq or Harti and Isaaq but the fact is that the good history and self-government were more Darod than the Isaaq. It is also a fact that Isaaq’s history is based on dreams and is rooted in hatred and evil against the rest of Somali people. I said this in a result we reached when it was time for Isaac to be told the truth.

    I can say that the word Somaliland, which was used by the Europeans for a short time in Somalia, is a matter that will be a blow to the Isaaq people in this life and in the hereafter because it seems to be a name they worship.

    I request that my statement be considered an opinion that came to me when I was looking at the Isaaq people for a while, and I do not want to be harmed by those people who do not like somalis because what i observed.

  3. Nur

    Warsangeli and Majeerteen are the only civilized clans in Somalia as they were the only two with functioning governments before the Europeans came. Look at their regions and culture today and compare it to the other clans. You will see that this European man was right on the money. These two clans adhere the most to the diin and are the best people to live among. Mashallah.


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