7th March 2025  admin  Category :

Amin Caamir waa helaa Xaqal qalimkiisa  ee maxaa Barakacayaasha la soo dhibay loo siin waayey lacagtii loo balan qaaday ay ku mudaharaadayeen. iyaga oo laga dhigayo inay  taageersan madaxweyne Farmaajo

Dhowr sano ka hor Barakacayaasha Soomaaliyeed ee gaajada iyo dagaalada uga soo barkaxay degaanadooda ayaa magaalada Muqdisho waxa looga furtay Xeryo loogu magac daray “ghost camps”

Sawirkan waxa la qaaday Isniintii Aug. 8, 2011 waa gaari buuxa oo sida raashinkii loogu talo galay barakacayaashii “Xeryaha Jinka”  oo ku sii jeeda Suuqa Bakaaraha

Sawirkani waa Sabtidii  Aug.13, 2011 waa Dumar Soomaaliyeed oo gadaya raashinkii la soo xaday oo wejiyada qarsanaya.

Sawirkani waa Khamiistii Aug. 4, 2011 waa qof Dumar ah oo reer Muqdisho ah oo iska dhigaysa Barkacayaasha oo wejigeeda qarinayasa.

Ninkii waxaas oo dhan sameeyey ee ahaa duqa Muqdisho laguna magcaabay  Tarsan, dhowaan ka hor wuxuu ahaa la taliyaha madaxweyne Farmaajo, haddase waxa loo magcaabay Safiirka Soomaalida ee dalka Kenya.  Maxaa ka mid ahaa taladii uu siiyey Tarsan  madaxweyne Farmaajo, Hoos ka Daawo


Southern Somalia: In 2011, months of drought led to severe famine that caused deaths and forced many to flee for their lives to the capital, Mogadishu, to get help. Tens of thousands of famine victims in the southern part of Somalia have reached Mogadishu, after days of epic perilous journey on foot.


Many of these famine-stricken internally displaced persons (IDPs) were sheltered in big camps at the outskirts of Mogadishu; but some of these IDPs were handled by racketeers who established small camps inside the city.


What followed was the disappearance of large quantities of emergency relief food and medicine dispatched to these famine-affected displaced persons. However, “with the mayor of Mogadishu [Mohamud Ahmed Nur]* and district commissioners recognized as legitimate authorities by the TFG and donors alike, aid agencies have little choice but to work with them to establish programmes and provide assistance in Mogadishu. But the central and municipal authorities have proven extremely weak in providing government leadership to tackle the humanitarian crisis”.


The UN Somalia and Eritrea Monitoring Group (SEMG) has recently compiled a report, dated June 27, 2012. Parts of the report were dedicated to highlight the tactics used by TFG officials in Mogadishu to conceal “whether aid was actually reaching the intended beneficiaries or if those beneficiaries even existed” (i.e. the existence of ghost camps in Mogadishu). Below are excerpts of the report followed by related news-articles.

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