Category Archives: KHUDBADO

12th March 2025  admin  Category :

UN Security Council 18 July 2011
Report of the Monitoring Group on Somalia and Eritrea
pursuant to Security Council resolution 1916 (2010)

Letter dated 18 July 2011 from the Chairman of the Security
Council Committee pursuant to resolutions 751 (1992) …

12th March 2025  admin  Category :


12th March 2025  admin  Category :

TFG Kampala Accord 09-06-2011

12th March 2025  admin  Category :

Transcript of FT interview with Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, president of Somalia
Published: April 28 2009

There have been 15 attempts to create a functioning government in Somalia since the overthrow of dictator Siad Barre in 1991. None of them …

12th March 2025  admin  Category :

TFG ARS 26-10-2008

12th March 2025  admin  Category :

Baidoa, October 29, 2007

Mr. Speaker, Honorable Members,

It is always a great honor to be addressing this House and I am grateful for the opportunity to do so once again. Parliament is one of the key institutions of the …

12th March 2025  admin  Category :

Dr. Ali Khalif Galaydh, Prime Minister of Somalia

I want to seize this opportunity to congratulate you, Sir, on your assumption of the presidency of the Security Council. I am confident that, under your wise leadership, the Council will continue …

12th March 2025  admin  Category :

Sheekada cadaatay oo ah in heshiis ku sheegii badda ee Dawlada Shariifku difaaci jirtay ee Kiiniya ku siineysey dhulka soomaalida, ee malyuumaad doolar lagu cunay waa in aan laga hadhin. Xitaa labada warqadood ee halka ku jira saxiixoodu, sida hore …