14th March 2025 admin Category :
Jidkii soo gelayey Aqalka cad oo loo bixiyey “Black Lives Matter”.
Duqa Caasimadda Maraykanka Washington DC ayaa Suuqii ka soo hor jeeday Aqalka Cad u bedeShay Nafta Qofka madow waa nagu weyn tahay, iyadaoo aaduga soo hor jeeda Trump
![Mayor Muriel Bowser looks out over the Black Lives Matter street painting in Washington, DC as protests against George Floyd's death continue [Handout: Khalid Naji-Allah Executive Office of the Mayor via Reuters]](https://www.aljazeera.com/mritems/imagecache/mbdxxlarge/mritems/Images/2020/6/5/bdccf45881cb479d85d8d0f8dcfab77b_18.jpg)
Duqda Muriel Bowser , oo ah xisbiga Democrat, ayaa jid dheer ee gala Aqalka Cad ku dul ranjiday “Black Lives Matter”. Nafta Qofka madow waa nagu weyn tahay
Waxay kaloo amartay in Ciidanka Federaalka ah laga saaro Washington.
The section of 16th street in front of the White House is now officially “Black Lives Matter Plaza”. pic.twitter.com/bbJgAYE35b
— Mayor Muriel Bowser (@MayorBowser) June 5, 2020