22nd October 2024  admin  Category :

Hogaanka Dhulbahante ee joogay Nov,1920 iyo  hogaanka Dhulbahante ee jooga  Nov, 2016 aad ayeey u kala fog yihiin

Qoraalka hoose  ee ku qoran  afka Ingiriiska,   waa in yar oo aan ka soo qaadanay qoraal laga qporay maalintii Daraawiishtii Soomaaliyeed  ee u dagaalamaysay xornimada Soomaaliya,  markii ugu horaysay taariikhda qaaradda Africa lagu soo weeray diyaarado iyo sidii uu weerarkaasi u dhacay. Ingiriiska oo ahaa dalkii aduunka ugu xoog weynaa qarnigaas,  wuxuu qiray inay dadka ay la dagaalamayaan ee Daraawiishtu  ahayeen yihiin geesiyaal iyo dagaal yahano. Waana sababta keentay in Diyaarado lagu soo weeraro. Daraawiishtu marka diyaaradaha lagu weerayo oo la duqaynayo  waa dagaalamaysay, waxayna dileen oo dhaawaceen Asakar Soomaali ah oo ka mid ahaa Ciidanka Ingiriiska ka soo jeeda Beesha Isaaq

“Our casualties among troops were confined to three t native ranks killed and eight wounded ; and one officer of the Camel Corps was slightly wounded. Neither the Royal Air Force nor the Royal Navy suffered casualties . “Dadka ku dhaawacmy waa dadkii u dhashay Soomaalida o ina jeclaa, sadex ayaa laga dilay sideedna waa ka dhaawacmay

Maanta hogaanka Dhulbahante hor boodayaa  ninkii maalintii joogay oo Qaranimada Soomaaliyeed  diidanaa maantana diidan ayuu la shirayaa

Maanta Daraawiishtii joogtay 1920 weli waa joogaan, oo waa diidan yihiin dulmiga iyo bahdilka . Inkasta oo hogaankii xumaaday. Daawo geesiyadan darwiishada ah



On the two succeeding days the aerial attacks on Medishe and Jidali were maintained morning and afternoon, causing further casualties and great panic among the Dervishes, who finally fled in all directions utterly demoralised. Machines descended to 800 ft. bombing and to 300 ft. machine gunning. The haroun was set on fire by incendiary bombs and the stock scattered. The results of the aerial bombardment had been communicated to the Officer Commanding Troops by wireless and by messages dropped from aeroplanes. Extensive reconnaissances over Medishe and Jidali and Bariat (lat. io°33′,long. 47°33′) on the 24th failed to reveal the presence of any large body Of Dervishes or stock, and it was clear that the Mullah’s forces were now scattered and in hiding. Orders were accordingly given for combined operations to begin.

Colonel Summers decided that he would advance at once on Jidali, and, moving via Megedu (Bariat), he arrived with the mounted troops within sight of Jidali fort in the early morning of the 27th. It had been arranged between the Officer Commanding Troops and the Officer Commanding ” Z” Unit that aeroplanes should bomb Jidali up to 10 o’clock that morning, after which the troops would move forward and attack the fort if still held. ” During the preliminary aerial bombardment of Jidali on the 27th some of the Dervish defenders hastily evacuated the position, fleeing in all directions into the buth ; but the fort remained lightly held, and the Camel Corps was ordered forward at 11 o’clock. By January 28, one week after the commencement of operations, Jidali and Baian had thus fallen into our hands and Medishe had been practically destioytd by the Royal Air Force. But the situation as to the whereabouts of the Mullah and the main body of the Dervishes was still veiy obscure

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