12th March 2025  admin  Category :

Somaliland oo doonaysainay inay dab ku shidaan arinta Cawsane

Labo maalmood ka dib, markii maamulka beelaha Isaaq ee Somaliland sheegeen inay Mashaariic ay reer galbeedku maal gelinayaan ay ka bilaabayaan Maydh ilaa Galbeedka, ayeey hadda Gobolka Sanaag u soo direen maleeshiyaad dab ku shida khilaaf beeleed ka dhex taagan labo beeleed oo walaalo ah oo arintoodu ay ku dhex jiraan Isimada Beelaha Harti. Dhowaana loo balan san yahay shir labada beelood lagu heshiisiinayo

Musse Jamac Dallaf , oo Qaramada midoobey horay ugu eedaysay inuu la shaqeeyo argagixisada Buuraha Cal madow, kuna magcaaban taliyaha ciidanka Somaliland ee gobolka Sanaag, oo dhowaan dhalinyaro badan oo reer Ceerigaabo ah oo ka soo jeeda beesha Warsangeli xabsiyada u taxaabayey, ayaa beesha Isaaq u soo direen gobolka Sanaag si arinta Cawsane looga dhigo tan beelaha Dhulbahante ee gobolka Cayn ee maamulka SNM ka danbeeyaan, dad badana ay ku naf waayeen

Fariinta uu taliyahani wado, ee uu Beesha Isaaq ka soo qaaday ayaa ah in arinta Cawsane laga dhigo Cumar iyo Dubays, loona balan qaado beelaha is haya in maamulka Somaliland taagerayaan beelaha is haya mid ka mid ah sida maanta ka jirta degaanada Buuhoodle oo beelihii walaalaha ahaa ee weligood wada deganaa madaxa laysu wada geliyey, dagaalkuna uu ku bilaabay xasaradda SNM

Ugu danbayntii waa nasiib xumo in maanta beesha Isaaq iyada oo isku koobtay deeqihii caalamku ku bixin jireen Magaca waqooyiga Soomaaliya inay doonayaan inay khal khal geliyaan jidka Ceel Daahir oo iskaa wax u qabsada lagu dhisayo oo lacagta laga dhex ururiyey Soomaali dhexdeda, iyaga oo isticmaalaya Musse Jamac Dallaf . Maleeshiyaadkani Diyaarado kuma yimaadaan gobolka Sanaag, waa in aan laga yeelin inay si xor ah ku soo dhex maraan gobolka iyagoo ujedadoodu tahay inay bilaabaan amni xumo iyo colaad hurin ay ka bilaabaan degaano hoos yimaada degmada Badhan

Maalintyii dagaal oogaha la magcaabay


One thought on “Dagaal ooge soo gaaray Dhahar

  1. raage

    Qarnigii 18aad wiil warsangeli baa xidig ka aha British Protectorate Jubbaland kuwa maantana SNM oon taariikh laheyn bay dabayaacayaan baladba. The most important Harti intermediary was Adam Musa, the Government Interpreter. His wide experience had singled him out for special attention by both Graufurd and Jenner. Adam Musa had lived for many years in Aden, and his earlier services to the Government had earned him Her Majesty’s Egypt medal with the caslp for ‘El Teb’, and the Khedive’s star for the campaign in the Eastern Sudan in 1884. He was clearly a man who oould be trusted with responsibility. The Ogaden naturalfer coveted the post of Government Interpreter, and felt that the choice of a Harti was particularly inappropriate. when it came to handling their own relations with the administration. Moreover, although Adam Musa at first did no more than accompany Craufurd and Jenner on their visits to Afmadu, he was soon given important additional duties. In 1897 it was suggested that he should be sent to Serenli with sixty Somali irregulars to build a fort and temporary post there. The following year he played a crucial role in arranging a settlement between the Ogaden and the Government. His instructions were to obtain an acknowledgement from the Ogaden that they owed obedience to the Government. Once this had been achieved he was given the responsibility of collecting a fine that had been agreed to The following year, Adam Musa travelled with a caravan to Moyale, via Bardera and El Wak, returning through Rendille and the country around the Lori an Swamp. He obtained valuable information about the anterior and brought back enough ivory to cover the cost of the expedition. More important, however, he explained to the Boran and Ajuran “about the Somalis and Kismayu Government”,and the political implications of this were later significant. The Ogaden strongly resented this extension of Adam Musa’s responsibilities. Equally, they resented their virtual exclusion from Government jobs. let their opportunity to challenge the Herti did not come until 1906. Up to that date, the Herti were thought of as loyal and dependable servants of the administration. The Ogaden, by contrast, were assumed to be untrustworthy. But the murder of Ali Nahar changed all that. The Ogaden and the Herti were now tarred with the same brush, there was little to choose between them. Just as the Herti had previously offered to help the Kismayu administration when there had been trouble with Afmadu, so now the Ogaden offered to chastise those Herti who were in revolt.


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