8th February 2025 admin Category :
Axmed Karaash iyo Dhooba Daareed ma ka gudbi doonaan tijaabaddii ugu horaysay ee lagu ogaano doono inay yihiin Siyaasiyiin Majeerteen durbaanka u tumaya iyo inay Puntland awood ku leeyihiin oo ay wax diidi karaan ama ka hor iman karaan wada hadalada xaaraanta ah ee dhuulkooda lagu gor gortamayo. YAA SOMALILAND AH? Ma beesha Isaaq mise Soomalida degta Waqooyiga Soomaaliya,
Maalmo ka hor siyaasiyiinta iyo Isimada Habar yoonis ee ee la kulmay ninka lagu sheegay inuu yahay ergaysag Muqdisho iyo Hargaysa u kala dab qaadaya,, waxay ku doodayeen in gobolka Sool intiisa bada, gaar ahaan degaanada Khayradka la og yaay ay ku jiraan inay degaan ama leeyihiin besha Sacad Yoonis, Habar yoonis. Maanta siyaasiyiinta beesha Isaaq waxay doonayaan in xad been ah oo ay iyagu abuureen inay u ogolaadaan in la keeno nabad ilaaliyaal si loo bililiqaysto khayraadka ku duugan Holhol iyo Bohol
Ergeyga Turkiga U Qaabilsan Wada Hadalada Somalia/iyo beesha Isaaq Oo Kulan la qaatey Madaxda beesha Habar yoonis
By Makhir, Khatumo & Awdal on the Dialogue
Between Somalia & self-declared Somaliland
We, Makhir, Khatumo and Awdal communities in the United Kingdom are here tonight to bring to the attention of the international community what Somaliland administration represents and to put forward our stand regarding the talk between the Federal Somali government and Somaliland.
We wish, first of all, to emphasise that the self-declared Somaliland only represents the SNM/Isaaq clan and that the secession from the rest of Somalia is spearheaded by the Isaaq clan led by elements of the SNM.
Secondly, we wish to underscore that The Makhir (Sanaag), Khatumo (Sool & Bohodle) & Awdal clans of the northern regions of Somalia are strongly opposed to the secession and are strongly for the territorial integrity, sovereignty, political independence and unity of the Federal Republic of Somalia. It is paradoxical that the authorities of the self-declared Somaliland gave themselves the right to secede from Somalia but do not extend the same right to the clans of Sanaag, Sool and Awdal to decide their fate and remain as part of Somalia.
Thirdly, we wish to express our disappointment that the president of the Federal Republic of Somalia met in Ankara, Turkey, the representatives of the self-declared Somaliland that represent the SNM/Isaaq clan in the absence of the other clans of the northern regions of Somalia who support the unity and territorial integrity of Somalia. This gave the secessionists the illusion of sovereignty by appearing shoulder to shoulder with those who vowed to dismember Somalia and by excluding the talks from the clans that live in Makhir, Khatumo and Awdal.
Fourthly, we call on the Somali Federal Government to allow the representatives of Makhir, Khatumo and Awdal to have seats at the negotiating table for the representatives Somaliland/Isaaq clan cannot speak on their behalf and decide their fate.
Finally, the dialogue between the Federal Government and the self-declared Somaliland should be conducted in the context of the territorial integrity, sovereignty, political independence and unity of Somalia. This should be stated publicly and in no uncertain terms. If the dialogue breaks down because of this, it can only be to the detriment of the secessionists since the international community have repeatedly reaffirmed the territorial integrity, sovereignty and unity of Somalia.