15th March 2025  admin  

Arab News ‪Cartoon‬ by Mohammed Rayes…

15th March 2025  admin  

Exclusive: Qatar’s Foreign Minister reacts to Donald J. Trump‘s suggestion that Doha supports terrorism and explains why the Gulf crisis won’t change life in his country.  …

15th March 2025  admin  

PARIS: Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister said on Tuesday Qatar must take several steps, including ending its support for the Palestinian group Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, to restore ties with other Arab states. Minister Adel Al-Jubeir said Qatar knew exactly …

15th March 2025  admin  

Sarkaal u shaqeeya wasaaradda duulista hawada Soomaaliya oo magaciisa qariyey, ayaa sheegay in maanta 15 duulimaad ee  Diyaaradda  Qatar Airways ay isticmaaleen hawada Soomaaliya. Ka dib markii wadamada Khaliijku ay xiriirka u gooyeen dalka Qatar. Sarkaalkani wuxuu sheegay inay horay …