19th March 2025  admin  

A message from the Garaad of the Harti Daarood in North America: On behalf of the people of Harti (Part of the larger Daarood clan) and that of my own, I would like to extend my sincere congratulations to President …

19th March 2025  admin  

Baaq : Anigoo ah Garaadka Beelaha Hartiga ee Woqooyiga Maraykanka Waxaan Bogaadin Wax-qaadka Mudada kooban ay ku talaabsatay Dowlada Somalia Sidoo kale waxaan Xoojin Dadaalada lagu doonayo in Maamul loogu Sameeyo Gobolada Sool & Sanaag. Waxaan qabaa in la joogo …

19th March 2025  admin  

A fishing boat with a permit issued by the breakaway Somali state of Puntland, bearing the Thai name of Chotechai Navy 35, was recently intercepted in Samut Sakhon on suspicion of illegal fishing and human trafficking, police announced on Thursday.…

19th March 2025  admin  

Cali Khaliif oo sheegay cidda ku maal  gelisa inuu af lagaadeeyo  beel ka mid ah beelaha Soomaaliyeed …