2nd March 2025 admin Category :
Final Draft Presidential Statement on Somalia
1. The Security Council reaffirms all its previous decisions concerning the situation in Somalia, in particular the statements by its President (S/PRST/2004/43) dated 19 November 2004 and (S/PRST/2005/11) of 7 March 2005.
2. The Security Council welcomes the report of the Secretary-General of 16 June 2005 (S/2005/392), reaffirms its commitment to a comprehensive and lasting settlement of the situation in Somalia and its respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity, political independence and unity of Somalia, consistent with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations.
3. The Security Council is encouraged by the relocation now underway of the Transitional Federal Institutions (TFIs) to Somalia, urges further progress in this regard and calls upon the Somali leaders to continue to work towards reconciliation, through inclusive dialogue and consensus-building within the framework of the TFIs, in accordance with the Transitional Federal Charter of the Somali Republic adopted in February 2004.
4. The Security Council expresses its concern at the recent disagreements and increased tensions among Somali leaders, which threaten the viability of the TFIs. The Security Council calls on all leaders in Somalia to exercise maximum restraint and take immediate effective steps to reduce tension. Violence or military action by any members of the TFIs or other parties is unacceptable as the means for dealing with the current differences within the TFIs. The Security Council reiterates that any members of the TFIs or other parties who persist on the path of confrontation and conflict, including military action, will be held accountable.
5. The Security Council urges the Transitional Federal Institutions to conclude without delay a national security and stabilization plan, to include a comprehensive and verifiable ceasefire agreement leading to final disarmament, and welcomes the willingness of the United Nations to provide advice in this regard.
6. The Security Council commends the commitment of the African Union (AU) and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) in support of the TFIs’ relocation to Somalia and reiterates its support for those efforts in assisting the process of transition in Somalia. The Security Council welcomes the readiness of the AU and IGAD to reinforce their continued support for the establishment of a functioning central government of Somalia, including the possible deployment of a Peace Support Mission to Somalia, and encourages the AU Peace and Security Council (PSC) to keep the Security Council informed of all developments. The Security Council expects the AU and IGAD to work out a detailed mission plan in close coordination with and with the broad consensus of the TFIs and consistent with a national security and stabilization plan.
7. The Security Council takes note of the PSC’s request to the Security Council for the authorization of an exemption on the arms embargo imposed against Somalia by resolution 733 (1992) of 23 January 1992, contained in the AU’s PSC Communiqués of 12 May and 3 July 2005. The Security Council stands ready to consider this matter on the basis of information on the mission plan mentioned in paragraph 6 in due course.
8. The Security Council further reminds all parties in Somalia, including all members of the TFIs, as well as all Member States, of their obligation to implement and enforce the arms embargo imposed by the Security Council under Resolution 733 (1992). Continued non-compliance with this measure undermines the efforts of those who seek to establish peace in Somalia. There can be no effective and lasting progress in Somalia as long as arms and ammunition flow unchecked across Somalia’s borders. A stable and secure environment in Somalia is essential to the future success of the national reconciliation process.
9. The Security Council welcomes the continued engagement of donors in supporting the establishment of a functioning government in Somalia through the mechanism of the Coordination and Monitoring Committee (CMC) and in fulfillment of the Declaration of Principles. The Security Council encourages donor countries, regional and sub-regional organizations to continue to contribute to the reconstruction and rehabilitation of Somalia, in particular through the mechanism of the Rapid Assistance Programme and efforts coordinated by the United Nations.
10. The Security Council stresses that improving the humanitarian situation is an essential component of support for the peace and reconciliation process. The Security Council reiterates that ensuring humanitarian access to all Somalis in need and providing guarantees for the safety and security of aid workers is an immediate priority and obligation of the TFIs. The Security Council further welcomes the ongoing efforts and work of the business community, humanitarian organizations, non-governmental organizations, civil society and women’s groups to facilitate the demilitarization of Somalia.
11. The Security Council deplores the recent hijacking of a vessel off the coast of Somalia that had been chartered by the World Food Program (WFP) and was carrying food aid for tsunami victims, and notes the subsequent decision by the WFP to suspend all shipments of humanitarian assistance to Somalia. The Security Council expresses its concern at the impact of these developments, and calls for the quick and appropriate resolution of this incident. The Security Council condemns in the strongest terms the brutal murder of Somali peace activist Abdulkadir Yahya Ali on 11 July in Mogadishu. The Security Council calls for the incident to be investigated immediately and for those responsible to be held fully accountable.
12. The Security Council welcomes the steps being taken to strengthen the capacity of the United Nations Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS) and reaffirms its strong support for the leadership of the Secretary-General‘s Special Representative (SRSG) in his efforts in fostering inclusive dialogue among the leaders of the TFIs. The Security Council calls upon all Somali parties and Member States to extend to him their fullest cooperation in this regard.
13. The Security Council reaffirms its full support for the peace process in Somalia and the commitment of the United Nations to assist the regional and sub-regional efforts in this regard.