12th March 2025  admin  Category :

H’ayadda Caalamiga ee CARE ma qabiil gaar ah ayeey taageertaa mise sida ku qoran websitkeeda waxay taageertaa  dadka dhibaataysan kuwooda ugu liita

Daawo Ha’ayadda Care oo  beel ka mid ah beelaha gobolka Sanaag ugu deeqday Booyado biyo ah, Madaxda ka  gudoontay deeqdan ayaa  waxay ka soo wada jeedaan beesha Isaaq oo gobolka Sanaag qaarkiis gaarsiisa  oo qura Bambooyinka dadka lagu dilo ama lagu laayo,

H’ayadda care, waa ha’yad caalami ah sidaas awgeed waxa laga sugayaa inay ka jawaabaan  in  Gobolka Sanaag inay u aqoonsan yihiin inuu ka mid yahay  sideed iyo tobonkii gobol ee Soomaaliya iyo in ay haysataan  khariiradda qabiilka ku dhisan ee maamulka beelaha Isaaq ku midaysan yihiin ee Somaliland, ka sameeyeen gobolka Sanaag . Email aad qorto iyo telefoon aad dirto wax badan ayuu bedeli doonaa. Maanta waa maalintii la xisaabtanka, ee qor fariin aad u dierayso madadxda Haya;adaha caalamiga  ee laga dhaadhiciyey Sool iyo Sanaag waa dhul laysku haysto

L a xiriir CARE International  oo u sheeg in magacoodii, waxqabadkoodii sharaftoodii  iyo wixii ay u taagnaayeen si khalad ah loo isticmaalayo.

Bulshada reer Sanaag iyo Sool  ee la cunaqabateeyey 


Chemin de Balexert 7-9
1219 Chatelaine Switzerland
Tel: + 41 22 795 10 20
Fax : + 41 22 795 10 29
Web site: http://www.care-international.org
Mr. Ralph Martens, Chairperson
Dr. Wolfgang Jamann, Secretary General/CEO
Ms. Abby Maxman, Deputy Secretary General

151 Ellis Street, NE
Atlanta, GA 30303-2440
Tel: 1-404-681-2552, 1-800-521-CARE
Fax: 1-404-577-5977
E-mail: Contact Form
Web site: http://www.care.org/
Michelle Nunn, President and CEO

9 Gurdwara Road, Suite 200
Ottawa, Ontario K2E 7X6
Tel: 1-613-228-5600
Fax: 1-613-226-5777
E-mail: info@care.ca
Web site: http://www.care.ca
Gillian Barth, President/CEO



CARE is committed to meeting international standards of quality and accountability.  Guided by our rights-based approach and programming principles, we focus on ensuring that our partners and the communities we work with have a voice in planning, implementing and evaluating our work.  Given the particular vulnerability of disaster-affected populations, we place particular emphasis on integrating humanitarian accountability standards in our relief and emergency response work.  CARE’s Programme Information and Impact Reporting System monitors the extent to which we are making progress to achieve our global impact goals, and our organizational data is published in our Annual Report.

CARE is integrating its impact, organizational health and accountability behaviours into an organization-wide Accountability Framework that guides the way we capture, report, and receive feedback as well as share, learn, and make changes about our work around the world.  We recognize that there are new opportunities and technological innovations that can strengthen our accountability practices, and are piloting several initiatives to that end.

Being accountable to our stakeholders means ensuring that we share information in a transparent way or, where we are unable to satisfy an information request, providing an explanation. CARE posts a substantial amount of information on the internet, including strategic plans, annual reports, advocacy policy reports, programme reports, research reports, external evaluations, and media releases; in our Information Disclosure Policy we also define the types of information that must remain confidential due to practical legal, operational, safety and security considerations. All stakeholders have the right to provide feedback to CARE, including a complaint, and to receive a response. The CARE International Secretariat has introduced a complaints system, which is in the process of being extended to all CARE Members and Country Offices.

Abby Maxman, Deputy General Secretary of CARE International on CARE’s accountability approach:

“We define accountability as the means by which we fulfill our responsibilities to our stakeholders, such as donors and our beneficiaries, and the ways in which they may hold us to account for our decisions, actions and impacts. It is about accepting responsibility for the intended and unintended consequences of our work. We strive to be accountable to all our stakeholders, but first and foremost to the poor, vulnerable and disaster-affected people and communities with whom we work.

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