14th March 2025 admin Category :
1926kii baa jubbaland oo ka tirsanayd British East Africa, Ingiriisku ku wareejiyey Maamulkii Talyaaniga ee Italian Somaliland.
1- 1926kii baa jubbaland oo ka tirsanayd British East Africa, Ingiriisku ku wareejiyey Maamulkii Talyaaniga ee Italian Somaliland.
2- 1941 kii baa Talyaanigu qabsaday gobollada Woqooyi ee British Somaliland iyo French Somaliland ( Djibouti).6 bilood buu haystey.
3- Isla 1941kii baa Ingiriisku dib uga qabsaday Koonfur iyo Woqooyiba. Ilaa 1950 buu ka talinayey labada qayboodba.
4- 1950gii baa koonfur dib loogu ceshey gacantii Talyaaniga si xornnimo loogu diyaarsho 10 sano gudahood( Italian Trusteeship of Somalia)
5- 1954kii baa Ingiriisku ku wareejiyey Ethiopia Reserve Area and Hawd.
6- 1960gii baa Woqooyi iyo Koonfuri xoroobeen kadibna midoobeen.
7- 1964kii baa Organisation of African Union ( OAU) go’aamisay in xuduudihii Isticmaarka gobannimada looga qaatay sidooda loo dhaafo……
Maalmahan waxa Baraha Bulshada la wareejinayaa oo la xamaasadaynayaa, qoraal Kenyan ah oo leh, Jubbaland waxay kamid ahaan jirtey Kenya,kahor 1926.
Taariikhdaasi waa dhab, laakiin,su’aashu waxay tahay ,Kenya ma yeelan kartaa Jubbaland?. Jawaabtu waa maya !!
Sida Somalia aanay u yeelan karin NFD iyo Ogaadenia(ama Reserve Area and Hawd) baan Kenya-na u yeelan karin Jubbaland oo Xeerka Caalamiga ah( International Law) baa u diidaya.
Loollanka siyaasadeed ee Soomaalida dhexdeeda ah,yaan waxan macquul ahayn lagu dabbiqin.
That “Dark era is over” thank god but we still paying a heavy price for 1885 dividing of Africa thing” our heroes Grandfathers gained some and lost some because of that when our grand fathers decided justices the British did little to gave them full of their demands Ogaden or Somali state, and Northeastern. That’s why French did the same to hold jibouti up to now that’s the reality NEVER EVER BE SLAVE MINDED. The ones who’s act as slave will always be slave let Hargeysa be that. I cried when I heard how the city of Burco been before or that time it was the hub of our beloved grand father’s to bring every resources they could every goat, camel, every corner of the country the center of the south was the city of marka and take all the way to Burco my heart sink these wonderful history of ours and any other means Sadaqo or charity to be given even Emarates, and Saudis in return what did the city Burco did. It has become where Somalis to be divided they baried with all that great history with it that’s unfortunate what a maangaab I think Burco of today I’ve been told is tuulo or no more than hundred houses I hope I got the chance to visit that city and see it my eyes to reserve our beloved grand father’s footsteps I hope they don’t erase all historical places and houses at least we hope.