15th March 2025 admin Category :
Puntland iyo Hay’adda Bisha Cas ee dalka Imaaraadka ayaa heshiis kala saxiixday
Dowladda Puntland ee Soomaaliyeed iyo Hay’adda Bisha Cas ee dalka Imaaraadka ayaa kala saxiixday heshiis wada shaqayneed oo oggolaanaya in Hay’adda Bisha Cas ee dalka Imaaraadku ay xafiis ka furato Puntland, si ay ugu fududaato arrimaha gargaarka bini’aadantinimo ee ay ka fuliso Puntland.
Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland Mudane Siciid Cabdullaahi Deni oo ku sugan dalka Imaaraadka ayaa saxiixay heshiiska wadashaqayneed ee Dowladda Puntland iyo Hay’adda Bisha Cas ee dalka Imaaraadka, dhinaca Hay’adda Bisha Cas ee Imaaraadka waxaa heshiiskan u saxiixay Xoghaya Guud ee Hay’addaasi Maxamed Ateeq Al-falahi.
Dowladda Puntland ayaa asbuucyadan ka shaqeynaysay xaaladaha bini’aadantinimo ee ka dhashay roobabkii ka da’ay gobolada Puntland, waxaana jira Guddiyo Dowladdu u saartay arrimaha Gurmadka dadka ay roobabku saameeyeen.
Xafiiska Hay’adda Bisha Cas ee dalka Imaaraadku ay ka furanayso Puntland ayaa ka mid noqondoona xafiisyada Dowladda kala shaqaynaaya arrimaha gargaarka bani’aadantinimo, waxaana wafdigii ugu horeeyey ee xafiiskaasi ka socda uu maanta soo gaaray magaalada Boosaaso.
Press Release
Puntland State Government of Somalia and the Emirates Red Crescent, the United Arab Emirates affiliate of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, have signed a cooperation agreement today which will allow the red crescent to have an operational office in Puntland to facilitate its humanitarian and emergency response interventions.
Puntland State Government president, HE. Said Abdullahi Deni who was on an official visit in UAE has signed the cooperation agreement with Mohamed Ateeq Al-Falahi, the general secretary of the emirates red crescent society in Abu Dhabi.
Puntland government was engaged in humanitarian and relief work in the aftermath of the Tropical storm “Pawan” which made its landfall on 6th of December 2019 in the Indian ocean coastal districts of Bargaal, Hafun, Beyla and Eyl while causing more flash floods in many other inland districts. In response to this, the government appointed emergency response committees to coordinate the humanitarian response to the affected communities.
The establishment of the Emirates Red Crescent office in Puntland will provide substantial opportunities in bridging the humanitarian response gaps and will coordinate with the government in the relief work. Meanwhile, first delegates from the red crescent office arrived the port city of Bosaso today.