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New Optimism to Revitalize Ceel Daahir-Ceerigaabo Road Project and the Need for Help  

June 23, 2020  

By Ahmed S Warsame 

 Ceel Daahir-Ceerigaabo Road Project is by far the most ambitious program Sanaag/Maakhir region has undertaken and as such, warrants our immediate attention and unwavering assistance.  

It is important to remember the hadith of the Prophet ( peace be upon him) reported by Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him) “When a person dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things: Sadaqah Jariya (ceaseless charity); a knowledge which is beneficial, or a virtuous decedent who prays for him (for the deceased) [Muslim].”  

The significance of the hadith is that the partaking of this project fits in the category of Sadaqah Jariyah, the reward you get from this benevolence is continual and will benefit you here and after.  

Together we can all play an important and significant role. No amount of contribution is too small to give-whatever you donate is sufficient enough to make a difference.  

It is by no means an easy task. Obstacles and pitfalls will be inevitable but understanding the enormous benefits and development the road brings to the region should eclipse the difficulties ahead.  

Some of the Immediate short-and long-term Economic Gains for the Region Include:  

In a region where chronic unemployment persisted for a long time; the construction of the road will be very good news for: Hundreds of surveyors, skilled and unskilled labourers, truck owner-operators, drivers and the many others in the same field who will be employed.  

Small businesses such as shops, restaurants, and hotels are expected to get their share of the economic trickle down.  

It will strengthen the economic, political and cultural ties between the region and the rest of the country.  

Vibrant and easily connected Maakhir to the rest of Somalia could become a catalyst for a united and stronger Somalia.  

The completion of the road makes it easier for Maakhir University to expand beyond its boundaries, allowing prospective students to enrol without any difficulties.  

In conclusion, infrastructure increases economic productivity and growth and as more people and goods easily stream between the region and the rest of Somalia, so does the robust economic development that will create even more permanent jobs.  

Finally, your financial contribution will have an enormous impact on transforming the whole region. Just think about the multitudes of people including the most vulnerable members of the society including the sick, children, and the elderly who will be using the road you helped build without any difficulties and how it will change their lives. Envision how through employment it will alleviate poverty in the region. Multiply all that good deeds and imagine how it would increase your Meezan-al- Hasanat.  

Ahmed Warsame  



2 thoughts on “New Optimism to Revitalize Ceel Daahir-Ceerigaabo Road Project and the Need for Help

  1. Omar m faarax

    Af soomaali inaad KU turjumtaan baa fiicnayd, so dad badan ay u akhristaan. Waa warbaxin iyo guubaabo aad I wanaagsan, dadkayaga joogaa qurbaha we reer maakhir eaanni garab taaganahau lacagna was KU bicinay hafana was KU bicinaynaa


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