15th March 2025 admin Category :
Dawladaha Ingiriisk iyo Maraykanka oo si adag uga hor yimid muddo kororsiga labada sano ah ee dawladda federaalka.
Xoghayaha Arrimaha Dibedd Mareykanka, Antony Blinken ayaa yiri: “Go’aanka wakhtiga loogu daray dowladda federalka wuxuu wiiqayaa ammaanka iyo nabadda dalka. Waxaan ugu baaqeynaa Dowladda Federalka ee Soomaaliya iyo Maamul Gobolleedyada inay ku laabtaan wada hadalladii, isla markaana ku heshiiyaan jidkii horey loogu socon lahaa”
UK statement on #Somali Govt term extension: In the absence of consensus leading to inclusive and credible elections being held without further delay, the international community’s relationship with Somalia’s leadership will change. https://t.co/LiMHojrReB
— Harun Maruf (@HarunMaruf) April 13, 2021
The decision to extend the Federal Government’s term undermines further the country’s peace and security. We call on Somalia’s Federal Government and Federal Member States to return to talks and agree to a way forward.
— Secretary Antony Blinken (@SecBlinken) April 13, 2021