12th March 2025  admin  Category :

Hoos ka daawo gabayga abwaanka Soomaaliyeed Saalax Doonyaale

Gabaygii “Gal-gaal Bax” hoos ka daawo…. Akhri subtitle ka.

Suugaan Allaa nagagu galaday gaanka aan nahaye
Geeraarka iyo heesta waa gole ka fuulnaaye

For God has blessed us with the utmost art of poetry
We’re often known to possess the expert skills of impromptu

Dhagadheere kuma gaaro oo wuu ku gaamuraye
Hayeeshee gabyaa baan ahay guule mahadiise

I am not at per with the genius Dhagadheere’s immense talent
Yet still I am a poet laureate on my own thanks be to God

Laandheere kuma goodiyoo geed ka farawayni
Gobbaase eebahay iga dhashay Iyo qolo la gaataaye

I claim not to vastly surpass others more like the leaves on the trees
Yet God has sprung me forth from a noble cast and privileged lineage

Gudcur iyo madow maahi Iyo gubad sidiisiiye
Sida gaal cadna layguma maslo iyo ruux gaduud badane

I don’t adorn a dark and jet black complexion like that of a burnt tree
Likewise I am not as pale as a white man or neither am I a red skinned

Gumuriyo nin maaliyo ma ahi deeqsi gacan wayne
Mana ahi bakhaylkii guraa oo la gees maro’e

I do not receive revenue from wealthy assets nor am I selflessly generous
Nor am I a wretchedly stingy man who’s avoided at all costs

Saro gaannan layguma arko iyo fiila gudo wayne
Mana ahi nin gogol waayiyo guri uu seexdaaye

I do not own bolstered buildings of prestige nor do I have spacious villas
Yet I am not a man who has no bed or a home to rest my head

Giiryaale fulay ma ahi iyo ruux gadaal mara’e
Mana ihi nin laga goojiyiyo geesi caan baxaye

I am not a petrified coward neither am I a man who’s cowering behind others
Nor am I an intimidating man renown for his heroic bravery

Gardariyo xumaan kuma kacoo godobta ma aqaane
Hayeeshee gaf waa iga dhacaa godolo qaarkoode

I am not a man who acts with the vengeful intent of maligning others
Yet I am a human who’ makes mistakes and commits some wrongs

Guurkaygu saa uma badna iyo Baadi-goob dumare
Hayeeshee gabdhaha waan jeclahay gaadhi taan bido’e

My marriages have not been that many nor are my acquaintances
Yet I love beautiful girls especially the ones with vitality

Geyigeen Waa wada leenahay iyo gobolkastay joogno
Gebigeedba Soomaaliwayn way ii gudboontahaye

Our native lands and regions equally belong to each one of us
And the entirety of the Somali nation are all equal before my eyes

Kala gurina maayoo aniga wayga garanuuge
Gacmahaygii weeyoo dhamaan wawu gurmanayaaye

To ever split or segregate among them is for me self-illiteracy
They’re like my two hands and for them I hold strong affiniity

Afartaa gufaacooyin tixiyo gugaca maansood dheh
Afarkale gedaan uga socdaan soo gunaanadiye

Let the four stanzas above be as like poetic storm and rumbling thunder
And hence comes them other four concluding stanzas

Waxaan gudiyo kii hor u yiqiin gibilka muuqayga
Iyo kaan i garanayn dhamaan wawu galgaal baxaye

For all those who knew whats my worth or are familiar with me
And I say to those who know me not I’ve exposed my nature

Mar hadaad galkaygii hesheen aniga geestayda
Gabay Iyo in guurow taqaan amase geeraarba

Since you have the truth to my character from my own self
Now let those who are skilled in the art of poetry or prose

Idinkoo gefiyo faan ka hufay caydu guul malehe
Maansada garwaaqsiiya bulshada godob midaan reebin

Spread and recite poetry in its clarity without causing offense
Polish it and recite it in good spirit and without insult or infringement

Nin walbaa wuxuu galo intuu giirka ka cadeeyo
Inuu soo gadaal celiyo sow gariyo daw maaha

Now for every man to show his true worth beyond all doubt
Isn’t it justly right for you to challenge and a chance for a comeback

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