5th March 2025  admin  Category :

Michael Keating Oo Warsaxaafadeedkiisii Gaalkacyo Ku Sheegay Magaalo Ay Isku Haystaan Laba Maamul (disputed city)

Marka arrimaha caalamigaa laga hadlayo hal eray ayaa micno wayn yeesha.
Hadaba warsaxaafadeed uu soo saaray ergayga gaarkaa ee qaramada midoobay ee arrimaha Soomaaliya u qaabilsan ayaa magaalada Gaalkacyo ku tilmaamay magaalo ay laba maamul isku hayaan ama isticmaalay erayga (disputed city).

Hadaba haddii ay Gaalkacyo noqoto magaalo lagu muransanyahay ayaa waxaa markaas adkaanaysa in laga hirgaliyo wax mashaariic caalamiya oo dunida kala ka imanaya maadaama ay Gaalkacyo tahay goob lagu muransanyahay.

Hadaba waxaa wanaagsan in maamulka Galmudug ay joojiyaan sheegashada ay sheeganayaan deegaanada aynan ka arrimin oo kaliya ku ekaadaan dastuurkoodana ku qoraan deegaanada ay ku nool yihiin shacabka taageersan in ay hoostagaan maamulka Galmudug, arrinkana aan la adkayn dhulkuna waa dhul soomaaliyeed, oo kaliya waxaa wanaagsan in loo kala sameeyo soohdimo ay kala maamulaan labada maamul ruuxa soomaaligaana uu meeshuu rabo dego.

Dhanka kalena waxaa wanaagsan in Micheal Keating lagu qabsado hoosaasinta uu eraygaan dhanka Puntland u hoos galinayo.

Halkaan ka eeg qoraalka.

The United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM) welcomes the renewed commitments reached today by regional Presidents Abdiweli Mohamed Ali “Gaas” of Puntland and Abdikarim Hussein Guled of Galmudug state to build peace and confidence in Gaalkacyo. The meeting was held at Villa Somalia and attended by President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke and the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG) in Somalia, Michael Keating.

Regional Presidents Gaas and Guled agreed to three main points to produce a cessation of hostilities in Gaalkacyo and build confidence between the two state administrations:

1) a separation of forces through a withdrawal of forces from the disputed city and redeployment of troops to their original bases;

2) the removal of all roadblocks installed by both Puntland and Galmudug and the opening of roads to allow free movement of people and goods; and 3) the implementation of joint training of police from both North and South Gaalkacyo to strengthen security, and build trust and cooperation between the two administrations.

Regional Presidents Gaas and Guled also agreed to meet in Gaalkacyo later this month to support the implementation of these commitments.

“This renewed commitment to peace and confidence building in Gaalkacyo is a critical step to allow a process to resolve underlying issues that are causing the conflict and to build lasting peace,” said SRSG Keating.+-

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