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Emailkii Faysal Cali Dhurwaa oo la jabsaday iyo waxa loogu tegay

Saxaafada Somalida ayaa heshay Emailo sir ah oo ay isdhaafsadeen Faysal Cali Waraabe iyo saraakiil ajaanib ah. Emailadan ayaa la helay kadib markii la jabsaday ciwaankii uu isticmaalayay tan iyo sanadkii 2009-kii. Qoraalada la helay waxaa ku jira fariin ay isweydaarsanayaan Feysal Cali Waraabe iyo nin lagu magacaabo Mr Mark David oo kasoo jeeda Germani.
Waxaa uu ninkani sheegayaa inuu xidhiidh la sameeyay Dawlada Federalka Soomaaliya iyo sidoo kale Madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed, islamarkaasna guud ahaan loo xaqiijiyay hal shay oo ah in Gudoomiye Faysal Cali Waraabe aad u xiisaynayo oo kalgacaltooyo u qabo midnimo dhexmarta Hargaysa iyo Xamar, oo ku salaysan nidaamka loo yaqaano ‘’loose Co-federation’’ oo si taxadir leh loo soo diyaariyay, waxaanu ku dhiirigelinayaa in talaabadani tahay mida ugu saxsan ee wakhtigan ku haboon in la qaado laguna higsan karo horumar la taaban karo.

Waxaa kale oo Mr David ku sheegayaa emailka in nidaamka Siilaanyo hogaaminayana arrinkan kala socdo ‘’the Silanyo administration is in the same page with us in that regard’’. Waxa kale oo uu leeyahay waxaynu ugu yeedhaynaa XALKA LABA DAL OO SIMAN ‘’two state solution’’ oo ah sida ugu haboon ee lagaga iibin karo shacabka reer Somaliland. Waxa kale oo uu sheegayaa ninkani in Xukuumada Xamar ka hor doorashadii 2010 Xisbiga Kulmiye ugu deeqday 3 Milyan oo Dollar (3,000,000 USD) oo ay doorashada ku galeen iyadoo shuruudo lagu heshiiyayna ay jireen.

Waxa kale oo uu aad ugu dhiirigelinayaa Mr David Gudoomiye Faysal inay arrinkaas meel mariyaan kuna guulaystaan iyadoo, waa sida uu hadalka u dhigaye, labadooba ugu jirto faa’iido buuran oo dhaqaale islamarkaasna Faysal weliba ay u dheer tahay faa’iido siyaasadeed.

Mr David waxaa sidoo kale uu sheegayaa inuu Gudoomiye Faysal Cali Waraabe yahay shakhsiga u faro-dhuudhuuban islamarkaasna aanay wakhti kuba qaadanaynin inuu Hargaysa ka soo dhameeyo arrinkan isaga ah.

Aakhirkana wuxuu Mr David oo u muuqda Consultant arrimahan ku shaqaysta oo hadda aanu ku dabojirna inaanu xidhiidh la samaynaa sheegayaa in Midnimadii 1960kii lagu raadinayay shanta Soomaaliyeed ee Geeska Afrika ay shaqayn wayday, waxa kale oo iyana uu sheegayaa, waa sida uu hadalka u dhigaye, in gooni isutaaga Somaliland qaadatay 1991 uu isna yahay mid shaqayn waayay. Markaa wuxuu bedelkeeda u soo bandhigayaa Gudoomiye Faysal Cali Waraabe saddex dariiq ama fikradood oo kala ah sidatan hoose:-

In Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya wada galaan midnimo ‘’Confederation’’ ama ‘’Charter agreement’’ la mid ah tii Sudan iyo Masar wada-galeen 1982. Wuxuu leeyahay carqalada ama dhibta arrinkani leeyahay waxa weeye Somaliland maaha dal madax-bannaan laakiin Sudan iyo Masar waxay labaduba ahaayeen laba dal oo madaxbannaan markay heshiiska wada gelayeen. Yeelkeede waa lagu deyi karaa, waxkastaana waa ka suurtagal Dibloomaasiyada ayuu taagan yahay Mr David.

In Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya wada galaan ‘’loose Co-federation’’ midnimo debecsan oo ay ka dhexaynayso arrimahani: Socdaalka, Cashuuraha, Badaha, Hawada, Amniga iyo Difaaca.

Wadahadalada oo sii socda islamarkaas loo ogolaado dadka reer Somaliland ‘’referrendum’’ ay ku goostaan go’aanka ay rabaan hase yeeshee qodobkan ugu dambeeya ayuu u arkaa mid aad u adag inay suurtagasho.

Hoos ka Akhri Emailka loo soo diray Feysal Calli Waraabe

From: Faisal <fawarabe@yahoo.com>

Date: February 10, 2015 at 6:40:22 PM GMT+2
To: “Yusuf Kayse Ali ,”<farxadi@hotmail.com>
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Adeer here is the final draft of the concept..
Keep in touch.
Faisal Ali Waraabe
Chairman of Justice and Welfare
( UCID ) Party
Republic of Somaliland.
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From: Mark David <idenm@aol.com>
Date: February 9, 2015 at 10:54:01 PM GMT+2
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Dear Faisal, welcome back to Europe after long absence. Hope you’re having a quality time with your family in Helsinki.
To come back to the point, I must share with you that, as a result of further checks we have made with both the current Federal Government, as well as the former President of Somalia, Mr Sharif Sheikh Ahmed and his close associates, one thing is confirmed across the board – your passion towards a probable new union arrangement between Hargeisa and Mogadishu, through a carefully designed and loose confederation is considered a remarkable development.

I genuinely think this is a right time for such move, and the Silanyo administration is in the same page with us in that regard although they are appallingly reluctant – you know this more than anyone else.

Calling it ‘a two state solution’ is a good way to market it to the people of  Somaliland, and I was delighted to get your feedback. However, one particular issue which have been played repeatedly by Sharif Sheikh Ahmed and his senior figures, which have casted a thick shadow over the reliability of the Silanyo administration in the eyes of the Southern politicians (past and the present) is the way Silanyo team have handled their pre-election clandestine deal with Sharif Sheikh Ahmed and his government.

The 3 million dollar donation to Kulmiye just before the 2010 election in Somaliland, and the political commitment between the two sides as a result, have been simply dumped by the Silanyo team and there is no trace of it. We have talked about this numerous times and in my view, that’s why Southerners are somewhat unenthusiastic. Despite all the effort we made together, and particularly the personal endeavor and energy you put in due to your contacts with both sides, unfortunately, it seems that there is a bad taste which is still lingering.

Having said the above, and despite all the challenges, I believe there is still a good chance to push things through. We must and we should succeed in this. To both of us, there is a huge financial gain, but to you, your political gains/capital as a result is an additional bonus which cannot be neglected.
However, Dear Faisal, the following is a summery outline of the forthcoming confederate arrangement between Somaliland and Somalia. The Silanyo administration can push this through during their limited time left, and it will be better if they manage to get the possible extension of their term. You have been very confident about this and I think that will help this issue a lot. Who will come after Silanyo is unknown – I know you’re very much convinced that you will be his successor, but the Somali politics is exceptionally unpredictable. We therefore have to keep our cards close to our chest. Anyway, here is the proposed concept and it is laid out as I briefed you over the phone yesterday. Let me know what you think.

With the collapse of the Somali central government in 1991, the local administration within the boundaries of the former British Somaliland Protectorate declared its independence from the rest of Somalia on 18 May 1991. Indeed Somaliland has ably managed its economy and its democracy stands as a model for other states in the region. Moreover, while violence continues to mar the West’s perception of many countries in the Horn of Africa, Somaliland has been praised for developing a culture of negotiation and conflict resolution. Nevertheless, the much anticipated recognition have not been realized, and given the international and geo-political situation of the region, the direct recognition without any settlement with Somalia first, is next to impossible and other options has to be considered now. The initial union pushed by Somaliland back in 1960, which was aiming to bring all Somalis in East Africa under one flag did not work, and Somaliland’s current endeavour to pull itself out and go its way did not work either. Because of that, we are proposing a new menue of ideas in which Somaliland/Somalia can pick the one that suits their current need.

First: Somaliland and Somalia could enter into a kind of confederation or Integration Charter Agreement, similar to that of Sudan and Egypt in 1982. One legal complication must be pointed out here – those two countries were totally independent states which have entered those relations as sovereign entities. Somaliland does not have a recognised sovereignty and that might be a challenge here. Despite that, with the necessary pressure from the international/regional countries, everything is possible in the world of diplomacy.
Second: Somaliland and Somalia can establish a co-federation model which is a loose system comprising two parts and promoting sharing in the following areas: immigration,
taxation, airspace, maritime, security and defensive cooperation, and telecommunication. Hence this co-federation system could be adopted for 10 to 20 years period, after which the people of Somaliland would be given a referendum arranged and endorsed by the international community.

Third: The current dialogue could result, although it is very unlikely, a referendum where the people of Somaliland are presented their choices and rights of self-determination. This third option is probably the most favoured one for most of the people in Somaliland, but Somalia and the international community do not support that. As the case of Somaliland and Somalia is arguably more complex than other cases resolved in recent years by the international community (South Sudan, 2011, East Timor, 1999 and Eritrea, 1993), sustained international attention is vital for any progress.
A path forward would encapsulate the concepts in this essay, which is likely to eventually bring about the desired two state solutions but nothing is guaranteed. This is the best way that long lasting peace and stability can be achieved across the region. .

Let’s get in touch and possibly meet before your return. The other project for the promotion of Somaliland is almost complete and will share it with you shortly. We have to soon arrange the signing process of the contract in this regard. You know how to go through the corridors of power in Hargeisa. I guess you will be able to push this through in no time, despite the frustration you have raised over the potential difficulties you will face when dealing with the First lady and her influential family members. You are right to be disappointed at some points, but I know such things won’t stop you.
Looking forward to meet you.
Yours Sincerely
Mr Mark David

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