15th March 2025  admin  Category :

Waxgaradka iyo Aqoonyahanada beelaha Harti ee degmada Ceergaabo ee Gobolka Sanaag ayaa kasoo horjeestay Shirka Jabuuti ka furmay, waxay sheegeen in shirkaasi aysan cidna ku metelayn gobolka sanaag, Puntland oo uu gobolku ka tirsanyahayna aan la siin doorkooda.

One thought on “Ceerigaabo oo laga diiday shirka Jabuuti

  1. raage

    The SFG is required to defend its territory since Puntland is part of the 5 federal states. The SFG has every right to claim SSC and help arm and bolster the ranks of the PSF/Darawish. The Secessionist Somaliland regime can go their own way but will have to part with SSC. All Darood lands have to be secured and liberated from oppressive regimes like Isaqistan. Many of their sub-clans might even declare outright secession from the family held estate and only 3 sub-clans will be left with a relatively tiny land size.


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