12th February 2025  admin  Category :

Beesha Cawrmaleh waa beel ka mid ah beel weeynta Warsangeli, mana ahan beeshaas mid cirka maanta ka soo dhacay oo cidii doonto ay sheegan karto. Kuwa diidan ineey yihiin Cawrmale, ee doonaya ineey sammeeystaan aabo cusub, waa mid ay iyaga u taallo, meesha ay aadayaan iyo cidda ay magacooda qaadanayaan intaba, laakiin Cawrmale waa Cawrmale, waana Warsangeli.

Hadaba, muuqaalkan hoose waxaad ku arki kartaa niman sheeganaya in aysan aheen Warsangeli, waxaana ka mid ah nin sheeganaya inuu yahay Ugaaska guud ee beesha Cawrmale, magaciisana ku sheegay Ugaas Xasan Shiikh; Hadaba, ninkan ugaaska sheeganaya magaciisana uu yahay Xasan Shiikh ayaa ah nin asalkiisa uu yahay Xawaadle, waxaana meesha keenay Xasan Shiikh markii uu madaxweeynaha ahaa taas oo ay ka danbeesay arrimo siyaasadeed, dadka kalle ee meesha fadhiya ayaa iyagun ah dad aan Cawrmale shaqo ku laheen oo isugu jira Jareer, Gaal jecel iyo qaar kalle oo lacag la soo siiyey si meesha ay u soo camiraan. Xaggee ayuu Xawaadle ka soo gallay Cawrmale? Miyeey is gashaa Cawrmale ayaanu nahay iyo Warsangeli ma nihin? Waxeey taas la mid tahay qof yiri Sacad baan ahay, balse Habargidir ma ahi. 

Inkastoo ay xiran yihiin maktabadaha adduunka (Libraries) Corona Virus dartiis, marka la furo maktabadaha, waxaan idiin soo gudbin doonaa qoraalo badan oo laga sammeeyey beesha Cawmaleh taas oo la sammeeyey taariikho hore si sheekadan loo soo xiro. Qof aan dhalashadiisa la garaneen ayaa lagu murmaa, laakiin qof ay xitaa taariikhda qortay, waxeey ila tahay in hadalka uu halkaas ku ekaan doono.

Hadaba, hoosta hoose waxaad ka aqrisan kartaa hay’adaha dunida oo ku qancay in beesha Cawrmale ay yihiin Warsangeli. Tusaale, mid ka mid ah hay’adaha socdaalka dunida, gaar ahaana dalka Canada, oo Soomaali badan qaabishay waxeey ku qanceen in beesha Cawmale ay ka mid yihiin beesha Warsangeli.

Last Updated: Wednesday, 22 April 2020, 10:41 GMT

Somalia: Information on the Awramale subclan of the Darood Warsangeli and its treatment by the Marehan

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According to a Syracuse University professor of public administration with academic interests in Somali affairs, the Awramale are a subclan of the Darod (20 Feb. 1995). Although Awramale trace their roots to northern Somalia, they are currently concentrated in southern Somalia, Kismayo and the Lower Jubba (ibid.). According to the professor, with the exception of the Marehan, the other Darod subclans are the principal allies of the Awramale. These allies include the Majerteen, Dulbahante and Warsangali (ibid.). On the other hand, the Awramale’s enemies have constantly changed according to the clans and the militias controlling southern Somalia (ibid.). For instance, the Awramale and the other Darood subclans do not perceive the Marehan as allies (ibid.). The other Darod subclans attribute this hostile relationship with the Marehan to Siad Barre and the suffering he brought upon non-Marehan Somalis during his administration.

The Syracuse University professor added that, for 145 years, the Awramale have inhabited an area in southern Somalia considered prime land in terms of its agricultural potential and existing infrastructure. As a result, this prime land offers the potential for creating further conflict among the clans, following the United Nations’ “pull-out from Somalia in March 1995” (ibid.). According to the professor, the future of the Awramale in the Lower Jubba and around Kismayo will ultimately depend on the clans or subclans that control the region.

A representative of Somali Immigrant Aid in Toronto corroborated the information provided by the Syracuse University professor concerning the allies of the Awramale (20 Feb. 1995). In the words of the representative, “other Daroods perceive the Marehan as traitors.”

This response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the DIRB within time constraints. This response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim to refugee status or asylum.


Somali Immigrant Aid, Toronto. 20 February 1995. Telephone interview with representative.

Professor of political science with academic interests in Somalia, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY. 20 February 1995. Telephone interview.

Copyright notice: This document is published with the permission of the copyright holder and producer Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB). The original version of this document may be found on the offical website of the IRB at http://www.irb-cisr.gc.ca/en/. Documents earlier than 2003 may be found only on Refworld.

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One thought on “Beesha Cawrmale Muran ma Gelli Karto

  1. DalsanJubaland

    I am from BArdhere , as far I know Cawarmale is Warsangli, they have Village near BArdhere call Karmarey and is in between BArdhere and Sacow by the river, my uncle married one Warsangli/Cawarmale woman beautiful one, she still lives in BArdhere, their chief is Warsangli/Cawarmale guy well known in BArdhere never in doubt.
    My aunt always says She is Warsangli/Cawarmale
    This is politics not based on fact some Cawarmale people are looking for power, they think they can get by being separate from Warsangli.


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