25th October 2024  admin  Category :


Sahro Qorsheel oo ka mid noqotay Xildhibaanadda Jubbaland

Doorashadii maanta ka dhacday Kismaayo ee lagu soo xulanayay xubnaha aqalka hoose ee baarlamanka dalka qeybta Jubaland ayaa lagu doortay ilaa lix xubnood oo kamid noqon doona baarlamanka dalka.

Ergada lix beelood oo kamid ah beelaha dega Jubaland ayaa saaka diyaar ku ahaa hoolka Daawad oo ah halkii ay doorashada ka dhaceeysay, waxayna dhammaantood diyaar u ahaayeen in ay soo xushaan xubinta uga mid noqon doonta baarlamanka.

Doorashada oo si habsami leh u socotay ayaa mar qura ka bilaabatay lix hool, waxaana lagu doortay lix xubnood.

Dabaaldegyo ayaa hareerayay hoolkii ay doorashada ka socotay, ayadoo ergada iyo taageerayaal musharixiinta la doortay ay goobta kusoo bandhigeen cayaaraha hidaha iyo dhaqanka, damaashaad iyo hambalyo iyo bogaadin ay u jeedinayeen xubnaha la doortay.

Lixda mudane ee maanta la doortay ee uu gudigu shaaciyay ayaa kala ah;

Prof: Max’ed Cabdi Gaandi

Xaawo Max’d Aadan

Max’ed Aadan Macallin

Aadan Isaaq Cali

Max’ed Xasan Idiris

Sahro Jaamaca Cali Qoorsheel

.Delegates celebrating with their candidate r their MP after the victory, during the electoral process to choose members of the Lower House of the Somali Parliament in Kismaayo, Somalia on November 12, 2016. AMISOM Photo / Awil Abukar

A newly elected MP, Hawa Mohamed Adan, speaks to the media after her victory to the lower house elections in Kismaayo, Somalia. on November 12, 2016. AMISOM Photo / Awil Abukar

An electoral official tallies the votes during the electoral process to choose members of the Lower House of the Somali Parliament in Kismaayo, Somalia on November 12, 2016. AMISOM Photo / Awil Abukar

An electoral official tallies the votes during the electoral process to choose members of the Lower House of the Somali Parliament in Kismaayo, Somalia on November 12, 2016. AMISOM Photo / Awil Abukar

Observers attend the electoral process elections to choose members of the Lower House of the Somali Parliament in Kismaayo, Somalia on November 12, 2016. AMISOM Photo / Awil Abukar

Jubbalnad minister of women and humanitarian affairs, Mrs Qamar Dek Kalif, and UNSOM senior political officer, Michiko Zukuzi, attends ), the electoral process elections to choose members of the Lower House of the Somali Parliament in Kismaayo, Somalia on November 12, 2016. AMISOM Photo / Awil Abukar

A police officer from the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), supervises delegates during the electoral process to choose members of the Lower House of the Somali Parliament in Kismaayo, Somalia on November 12, 2016. AMISOM Photo / Awil Abukar

A delegate casts her vote during the electoral process to choose members of the Lower House of the Somali Parliament in Kismaayo, Somalia on November 12, 2016. AMISOM Photo / Awil Abukar

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