16th March 2025 admin Category :
Sayid Axmed oo qaatay m’asuuliyada dalka, ka dib markii Farmaajo noqday howl gab kana gaabiyey Ma’suuliyaddii saarnayd.
Dhibtii ugu weynayd ee ku dhacday Qarankii Soomaaliyeed oo ilaa hadda uu ka soo kaban la’yahay waa waxa afka qalaad lagu yiraahdo power vacuum, oo macnaheedu yahay siyaasad ahaan wixii jiray oo meesha ka baxa oo aan la helin wax bedela. Mararka qaarkood Booskaas banaanadaaday waxa buuxiya Mooryaan, argagixiso, sida Soomaalidu ku jirtay 30 sano.
Maanta Soomaali badan ayaa waxay ka cabsi qabeen mar haddii madaxweynihii xilka hayey uu shaqadiisii ka gabay, howl gabna noqday guri madowna isku soo xiray oo aan haba yraatee wax shaqo ah ayna dalka ka socon in mar labaad la waayo inta yarayd ee dawladnimada ee aynu haysanay, oo qaarkood tartiib tartiib u sii lumayey afartii sano ee dalka hogaaminayey Farmaajo
Sida muuqata Sayid Axmed ayaa arintaas ka hortagaya oo buuxiyey xiklkii ugu sareeyey ee ka banaanaa Qaranka Soomaaliyeed oo ahaa Hogaamiyaha dalka, isaga oo ka hortagaya in dalku fawdo la gelin dalkana loo badbaadin lahaa
إِنَّا لِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ
— Ahmed Sheikh Mohamed Islam (@PresidentMadobe) March 10, 2021
Aniga oo ku hadlaya Magaceyga, ka dowlada iyo Shacabka Jubaland waxaan ka tacsiyaynayaa geerida naxdinta leh ee ku timid AUN Madaxweynihii Hore ee Soomaaliya Marxuun Cali Mahdi Maxamed. pic.twitter.com/6rZ7ppiITs
Received a delegation of #Somalia Intl Partners led by @UNSomalia which included @EU_in_Somalia @SwedeninSomalia @ItalyinSomalia @amisomsomalia to discuss the challenges surrounding the implementation of the Sep17 Agreement and way forward on the current electoral impasse. https://t.co/cubzdMn5tL pic.twitter.com/R8CMtxopTk
— Ahmed Sheikh Mohamed Islam (@PresidentMadobe) February 24, 2021
Waxaa maanta booqasho iigu yimid Safiirka Dowlada aan walaalaha nahay ee Jabuuti Danjire Aadan Xasan Aadan, oo aan ka wada hadalay arimaha Doorashada dalka iyo dardar galinta shirka soo socda ee lagaga hadlayo xal u helida ismarin waaga Doorashooyinka. #Hiilwalaal pic.twitter.com/vbH4WsXWMn
— Ahmed Sheikh Mohamed Islam (@PresidentMadobe) March 13, 2021
As part of my continued efforts to find safe path through the political deadlock, this morning i met with SRCC and Head of Amisom Amb Francisco Madeira.
— Ahmed Sheikh Mohamed Islam (@PresidentMadobe) March 12, 2021
We agreed that AU has an important role to play in the facilitation of the upcoming conference as well as the upcoming election pic.twitter.com/JX0TOh5Lmc
Happy to meet with the new Uk Ambassador, Amb Kate Foster.
— Ahmed Sheikh Mohamed Islam (@PresidentMadobe) March 11, 2021
Agreed on the importance of finding consensus on the electoral process and the significance of the upcoming conference.
I also briefed the Amb of drought challenges in Jubaland more so the critical situation in Gedo. pic.twitter.com/DcmZPOSmvn
Recieved the @US2SOMALIA Amb Donald Yamamoto to discuss the political Impasse and finding away to resolve some of the challenges facing the election process.
— Ahmed Sheikh Mohamed Islam (@PresidentMadobe) March 11, 2021
I have also briefed the ambassador of the current drought in Jubaland particularly the situation in Gedo and how to help. pic.twitter.com/txKggMsogq
Met with EU Ambassador to Somalia Amb Nicolas Berlanga and discussed a way through this political deadlock.
— Ahmed Sheikh Mohamed Islam (@PresidentMadobe) March 11, 2021
Also informed the ambassador of critical drought situation in Jubaland specially Gedo and how EU coulf help. pic.twitter.com/jEJA5J0fJG