8th September 2024  admin  Category :

Soomaali isuma Habar wacan HAG ayaa soo guuray

Doodii maanta ee Maxkamaddii caalamia ahayd  Somaaliya waxa u hadlay Afar Qareen oo Caalami ah,  dhinaca  Soomaalida waxa goob joog ka ahaa  kooxdii HAG ee magaca Soomaaliyeed  ku qaraaban jirtay.

Halkan ka daawo



Kooxdan HAG waxa ka mid aha Xaliimo yariisay. oo Madaxweyne Culusoow  horay ugu magcaabay gudooniyaha gudiga dorashada Soomaalyagudoomiyaha maamul u samaynta maamulka Galmudug.  Maantana waxay madax u tahay  tahay gudiga loo soo diray maxkamadda International Court of Justice (ICJ) . Kooxdan waxa kale oo ka mid ah Axmed Cali Daahir, Amb. Fiqi  iyo Yuusuf Garaad. Kooxdan waa kooxdii   Qaranka Somaaliyeed halka uu maanta yeelo dhigay oo qaarkood Warbaahinta  ay madaxda ka soo noqdeen u  isicmaali jiray  inay wax k dumiyaan

Maritime Delimitation in the Indian Ocean (Somalia v. Kenya)

    Latest developments in the case

  • 26/05/2016 – Press Release 2016/15 – Preliminary Objections -The Court to hold public hearings from Monday 19 September to Friday 23 September 2016  PDF 160.1 Kb
  • 12/10/2015 – Press Release 2015/27 – Fixing of time-limit for the filing by Somalia of a written statement of its observations and submissions on the preliminary objections raised by Kenya  PDF 152.1 Kb
  • 09/10/2015 – Order – Fixing of time-limit: written statement of observations and submissions on preliminary objections   PDF 69.1 Kb
  • 17/10/2014 – Press Release 2014/30 – Fixing of time-limits for the filing of the initial pleadings  PDF 143.7 Kb
  • 16/10/2014 – Order – Fixing of time-limits: Memorial and Counter-Memorial   PDF 74.5 Kb
  • 28/08/2014 – Press Release 2014/27 – Somalia institutes proceedings against Kenya with regard to “a dispute concerning maritime delimitation in the Indian Ocean”  PDF 202.9 Kb

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